Benchy In A Bottle

Making something enjoyable often requires a clever trick. It could be a way to cut something funny or abuse some peripheral in a way it was never designed for. Especially good tricks have a funny way of coming up again and again. [DERAILED3D] put a 3d printed benchy in a bottle with one of the best tricks 3d printing has.

The trick is stopping the print part way through and tweaking it. You can add manual supports or throw in some PTFE beads to make a generator. The benchy isn’t the print being paused; the bottle is. The benchy is a standard print, and the bottle is clear resin. Once halfway through, they paused the print, and the benchy was left suspended in the bottle with a bit of wire. Of course, [DERAILED3D] moved quickly as they risked a layer line forming on the delicate resin after a minute or two of pausing. The difficulty and mess of tweaking a gooey half-finished resin print is likely why we haven’t seen many attempts at playing with the trick, but we look forward to more clever hacks as it gets easier.

The real magic is in the post-processing of the bottle to make it look as much like glass as possible. It’s a clever modern twist on the old ship in the bottle that we love. Video after the break.

21 thoughts on “Benchy In A Bottle

  1. Would be cool (but a whole lot more work) if he made some kind of specialized printer that created the model inside a real glass bottle through a nozzle that reaches inside of the neck

  2. Very nice, and fantastic bottle. I don’t have a SLA printer but was wondering, couldn’t you submerge a regular bottle and sudpend it from the “bed” would laser still print layers in the bottle?

    1. i thought these work by using lcd/oledscreens wich gets black/white were to harden, so you would have problems with refraction and focus, but i like the idea, but propably same problems with a laser

    1. I believe 3D printing nerd did something similar with FDM by printing a benchy in a bottle on an IDEX printer, leaving a small gap (like a raft) between the benchy and the bottle. I don’t believe multicolor SLA printers are even possible but I would love to be proven wrong.

      1. I believe it could be done. Massively impractical and complicated, but possible.
        You’d need to pour in only a small puddle of resin, print the parts you want in this colour, then drain the tank, probably wash it, then pour another colour of resin and repeat the process. And you’d need to do that for every. single. layer. (Or you could swap tanks instead)
        There’s also problems with the resin wetting parts of the print you printed in the previous colour, probably necessitating a cleaning of the print during the change, so that the resins don’t mix.

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