Second Human Neuralink Brain Implant Recipient Uses It For CAD And Videogaming

As Neuralink works towards getting its brain-computer interface technology approved for general use, it now has two human patients who have received the experimental implant. The second patient, [Alex], received the implant in July of 2024 and is said to be doing well, being able to play games like Counter Strike 2 without using his old mouth-operated controller. He’s also creating designs in Fusion 360 to  have them 3D printed.

This positive news comes after the first patient ([Noland Arbaugh]) suffered major issues with his implant, with only 10-15% of the electrodes still working after receiving the implant in January. The issue of electrode threads retracting was apparently a known issue years prior already.

We analyzed Neuralink’s claims back in 2019, when its founder – [Elon Musk] – was painting lofty goals for the implant, including reading and writing of brains, integration with AIs and much more. Since that time Neuralink has been mostly in the news for the many test animals which it euthanized during its test campaign prior to embarking on its first human test subjects.

There also appears a continuing issue with transmitting the noisy data from the electrodes, as it is far more data than can be transmitted wirelessly. To solve this seemingly impossible problem, Neuralink has now turned to the public with its Neuralink Compression Challenge to have someone make a miraculous lossless compression algorithm for it.

With still many challenges ahead, it ought to be clear that it will take many more years before Neuralink’s implant is ready for prime-time, but so far at least it seems to at least make life easier for two human patients.

55 thoughts on “Second Human Neuralink Brain Implant Recipient Uses It For CAD And Videogaming

  1. “We analyzed Neuralink’s claims back in 2019, when its founder – [Elon Musk] ”

    He founded Neuraling in the same way he founded Tesla, by getting fanbois to edit the Wiki pages.

    1. Tesla’s wikipedia page doesn’t list Musk as a founder.

      The wikipedia page for Neuralink says he founded it (in 2016) with seven scientists – is that claim false?

      What are you talking about?

      People like to dump on Musk because of what he did to twitter, but in reality just about every other person who graduated STEM in the US had the same opportunities as he did, but didn’t go as far.

      1. People like to dump on Musk because he has a long history of jumping into companies as an investor, calling himself a founder, and spewing idiocy while the actual founders and other investors try to keep him in check and the business progressing. Since Zip2, how much or what of value he has actually contributed to any venture, beyond check writing, is pretty questionable.

        1. “…how much or what of value he has actually contributed to any venture, beyond check writing, is pretty questionable…”

          I’m NOT a Musk fan-boy, but your remark strikes me as silly, as if “check writing” wasn’t an essential prerequisite to developing any new technology. I don’t think you appreciate the difference between a boss and a leader.

          I’m curious if you regard Abraham Lincoln as having “contributed” anything meaningful to the North winning the Civil War. After all, he was just a back-water lawyer who “wrote checks” while others did all the hard work for him, right?

          1. I dont remember many historical references to lincoln working against the efforts and goals of the union, nor do I remember any of him shaking down congress for outrageous sums while threatening to take states with him if they failed to comply. Pull your head out kid. I gave Elon credit for what he DOES do well, INVEST.

          2. [SRSLY??] “I dont remember many historical references to lincoln working against the efforts and goals of the union,”

            Up until the Civil War, the Constitution allowed States to secede from the Union. He forced the South back in against their will.

          3. To Commenter formerly Known as Ren
            None of this is at all remotely relevant to Elon Musk.
            But Im willing to respond to your continuation of this tangent.

            There was no framework for withdrawl in the constitution.
            Nine presidencies before Lincoln, On December 10, 1832, Jackson issued his “Proclamation to the People of South Carolina,” asserting the supremacy of the federal government and warning that “disunion by armed force is treason.”

            Had the southern states signed declarations of secession and simply withdrawl from the union they would have been within their rights.

            On March 4 1861 in his inaugural address Lincoln declared secession to be wrong; but he also promised that he would “not interfere with the institution of slavery where it exists.” He announced that he would use “the power confided to me…to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the Government.” But he assured Southerners that “there would be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere.”

            Given the choices of surrendering Fort Sumpter, Dispatching warships to break the confederate blockade and resupply, he instead chose to notify the confederate leaders that he would be sending Unarmed ships to resupply the fort.

            Upon hearing of Lincolns plan Jefferson Davis ordered the attack on Fort Sumpter ahead of the resupply to force its surrender. At 4:30 a.m. April 12, Confederate guns began firing on Fort Sumter, starting the civil war.

          4. [SRSLY??] “I dont remember many historical references to lincoln working against the efforts and goals of the union, nor do I remember any of him shaking down congress for outrageous sums while threatening to take states with him if they failed to comply. Pull your head out kid.”

            Your ability to completely miss a point is breathtaking.

            I did not offer any assessment of Musk’s business practices or his interaction with the government. I didn’t even offer an opinion of his personal attributes, except to take exception to the silly notion that all he does is “write checks.” The fact is that by all accounts he is deeply involved in the minutiae of his businesses… to the extent that some engineers have complained he is a micro-manager. So which is he? a detached check-writer or a micro-manager? He can’t be both. What IS evident by his involvement in large, high-risk, endeavors like SpaceX is that he is a leader with a vision.

            If you argue that all Musk does is “write checks,” then why can’t you say that of Lincoln? The fact is, leadership in the management of large undertakings is about a whole lot more than simply signing paperwork. Yeah, Lincoln “signed checks,” but he articulated a specific vision, strategized, and selected underlings to execute to his vision. When his generals failed to perform, he fired them and installed others… until the objective was met. My point was NOT about the civil war, constitutionality, or the workings of government. It’s not even about Lincoln’s personally, except to acknowledge that he was also an effective leader capable of communicating his vision to others, in order to bring it to reality.

            The parallel I was was drawing, then, is simply this: Both characters “wrote checks,” and in both cases the “checks” themselves had/have little value or effect were it not for the vision and leadership of the person issuing them.

          5. Observer/SomeHuman
            Love the shill account tag team strategy. You totally have us all convinced your not just you circle jerking yourself. I hope Elon appreciates your advocacy. Enjoy your Bliss!
            Nuf said

      2. “He founded Neuraling in the same way he founded Tesla, by getting fanbois to edit the Wiki pages.” and “Tesla’s wikipedia page doesn’t list Musk as a founder” are not mutually exclusive,so how can Owlman (or anyone) know if “he founded it (in 2016) with seven scientists ” is a false claim?
        In the other hand, it would be interesting to know how he came to that conclusion about fanbois editing wiki pages :)

        1. Meaning what, exactly?

          If you’re implying that Musk’s sole motivation for going to Mars is to accumulate further wealth and power, I’d submit that he could easily accomplish that objective without risking his entire fortune on the creation of hardware, processes, and business models that did not exist before he chose to create them.

          So what, in your mind, IS his motive?

          1. @YoDrTesticles
            Your Musk Derangement Syndrome is showing, as is you jealousy of someone richer and more successful than you.
            “People dump on Musk because he’s an asshole.” Says more about you as a human than him.

      3. “People like to dump on Musk because of what he did to twitter”

        I don’t follow celebrities but Elon does a lot to be heard of so:
        – I will not forget what he call rescue team member who risked his life to save group of children. This tells a lot how he deals with critics and how badly he recognizes challenges.
        – I will not forget his meme tweet making jokes of Zelensky asking western countries for money to fight against Russia.
        – I will not forget he challenged Zukerberg in MMA match and when Zukenberg agreed he wet his armor.
        – I will not forget that he claimed to lose weight with fasting and exercises and than admitted to use drug for diabetics.

        I don’t care much about Twitter (now X) – never used that platform.

        Of course I see how impressive are achievements of SpaceX, Tesla etc. I just have feeling that his role in all of those companies is different than people think it is.

        1. “I don’t follow celebrities but…”

          —Followed by a list of irrelevant factoids documenting your disappointment in his diet, his failure to fist-fight another billionaire, his failure to properly venerate Zelensky and dumb remarks he might have made on Twitter.

      4. Some statistically average stem graduate dependent on their entry-level job to keep ahead of rent, bills, and student loans is not in a position to throw themselves into anything without a safety net. By comparison, someone from a wealthy, well-connected family not only never has to say survive, but also gets the necessary networking handed to them on a platter – the investors, advisors, opportunities, etc are right there for the taking. Even then, with the ability to take more shots with more assistance than us regular people get, they still rarely manage to hit the bullseye without messing up somewhere down the line.

    2. Understood. The tales of his founding and his engineering have been greatly exaggerated!

      But I would still be terrified to have anything from a company associated with Elon Musk putting things in my brain. Not that being paralyzed and looking for relief couldn’t get me past such terror.

      But some day I hope even healthy people can opt to get such implants just for better interfacing with our technological world. And I wouldn’t let Elon’s company in my head just for that!

  2. LOL look at the “Compression Challenge” it is “solve this huge problem for us, and submit the source so we can use it and make money from it”

    How ridiculous and super shady.

    1. I wonder if it’ll come bundled with Wild Gunman.
      Seriously though, if it develops beyond a glorified mouse, it could be a game changer for the severely disabled. Personally I prefer my wetware to stay the way it is. I really don’t like the idea of pop-up ads that can truly read your thoughts 24/7. If they knew what people really thought about, a lot of people would get locked up for life. Imagine Flash Gordon style telepathic phone calls. Something tells me there would always be a man in the middle somewhere.

      1. A friend’s partner is wheelchair bound with only sporatic ability to move.

        His thoughts on neuralink are, and I quote:
        ‘It’s all fun and games until the corporate rats decide to hit the off switch on your brain for not paying rent.’

        1. Smart cookie your friend’s partner.
          There was a company not long ago, which made I think, some kind of optic nerve camera interface.. Just a few pixels, but enough to see a doorway, or tell if it was light or dark.
          Company stopped trading. Implants were turned off.
          Implanted person….? Lights out.

          As a person with a disability myself, I’m used to relying on tech to do basic tasks. I’m not keen on implanted ANYTHING. It would need to b damn well tested. With guaranteed exit provisions.

          And given Space Karen’s QC history…
          The phrase “OH HELL NO” applies.

      2. Hey, my sudden urge to spend my life savings on Tesla futures is entirely my own choice, and has nothing to do with this implant! twitch Resistance is fu-twitch I mean Musk is a visionary and a genius!

      3. We already know what 90% of most people’s thoughts are about. A leak of that information would be the most scandalous thing ever for about 10 seconds. Then we would all shrug it off as being what we always knew and life would go on.

      1. The Matrix machines didn’t need the humans as batteries, just as processors.

        Keep them in simulated reality running low-effort loops and use the unused space for your own uses!

  3. I remember a time when internet or even hackaday was reserved for thinkers and engineers alike. Those were the good times. Now it’s every idiot can write and post whatever he wants. Just like I did. Now we need to resort to AI to filter out the idiot crap from the useful data. The bad thing is that the idiots eventually produce so much clutter that even AI will have a hard time filtering. I just read the top comments and all I can say is that if my faith in mankind was based on this… I would had lost it all.
    Elon Musk doesn’t do anything. He just buys companies and hires people to do stuff for him
    The thing is that he doesn’t mind burning money trying to make something different while other people do mind and try to make companies more efficient.

  4. What happens if you have a Neuralink chip and the company folds, and you are starting to have severe medical problems like inflammation, rejection, etc with it? Who is going to start digging into your brain removing electrodes, most propably without any documentation.

  5. If you can’t play it with your eyes closed then it’s just a controller, not a true interface. This is one-way stimulus and making your brain flick electricity in a certain spot is not the same as the matrix they are purporting it to be. I can play guitar hero with my feet but I’m not very good. Some chads will do anything to cheat at Call of Duty including apparently open brain surgery.

    1. “Some chads will do anything to cheat at Call of Duty including apparently open brain surgery.”

      Come again? Dude’s last controller was mouth operated. Pretty sure he’d rather be capable of using whatever controller you use.

  6. Why people is so obsessed with this guy? I mean, I’m not psychologist or something near similar but I think a lot of people have issues regarding this guy, maybe is something like “praise the rich ones so you become rich” or maybe like “I desperate need a hero to follow and trust” or what about “Me follow alpha leader” I don’t get it .Don’t take me wrong I have nothing against this man or his followers it is just weird to see how people react to him. As for me, I think no gods walk among us and everybody bleeds.

      1. yeah ,that another guy… the first one willing to serve the second one…it’s just ,as humans we learned to read faces and expressions maybe before we could walk, so when I see this orange guy I can’t believe people actually think he is some kind of messiah, it is almost like today’s average person have a desperate need for someone to sweet talk them ,but come on! luckily America is more than a president and the American dream is not proprietary anymore. Now the poem of Emma Lazarus resonates in each country:
        Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

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