PSP Firmware Guide

If [Fluke]’s comment is correct, then the Sony PSP 2.01 firmware is already in the wild. Here is a handy Hack-A-Day guide so you can tell at a glance whether you should upgrade your firmware. All you have to do is compare the firmware version number to the previous release:

  • If the first digit has changed (1.5 -> 2.0) then Sony has gotten around to adding a major feature that should have been available since the product’s initial release (web browser). Thanks to the magic of firmware upgrades manufacturers can leave lots of features out of product launches.

  • If the second digit has changed (1.0 -> 1.5) then Sony has released the hardware in your country. The games aren’t region-locked so there is really no reason for the launch delay.

  • If the third digit has changed (2.00 -> 2.01) then Sony has decided that you’ve been having entirely too much fun with your hardware without their help and are determined to re-break it.

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HOW-TO: PSP 2.00 To 1.50 Downgrade

UPDATE: Since this how-to was first written things have changed. Sony has released firmware 2.01 which makes this downgrade impossible. A PSP bricker trojan was released because of this antivirus software will classify both the good and bad downgrade files as harmful. You should do more research into the current state of the downgrade before attempting. As far as we know our firmware links are still good, we are not hosting them so we can not vouch for their safety.

C.K. Sample, III, TUAW / WIN Blogger and author of the forthcoming book, PSP Hacks, got his hands on the version 2.0 downgrader and wrote up a thorough how- to complete with pics for us. He even takes the extra steps to upgrade and downgrade yet again, just to make sure such a thing is possible.

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TC7 Day 2 – Alternative Uses For Portable Gaming Consoles

fruit boat
UPDATE: Slides

I was disappointed in this talk, so here is a picture of a fruit boat. Squidly1 covered the history of hacking the PSP. It wasn’t really that bad, but as regular readers of Hack-A-Day you would have been bored. For the uninformed though, it provided a great overview of the software available for the PSP and the history of its development. It was obvious that Squidly1 is not a hardware person: she admitted to attempting the PSP USB keyboard hack, described the PSP iTrip hack as receiving FM and had a photo of a 10GB Duo (coincidently the same color as the 1.0GB Duo). To her credit, she did have pictures of using an IR keyboard and I hadn’t seen PSPInside, which looks really cool. Check out her blog for PSP links and her development work.

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PSP External Controllers

psp controller

I usually don’t get to run PSP hacks as features because everyone else snatches them up so quick (Is anybody actually buying games?). XyTec found this hack to connect multiple controllers to the PSP. The project uses an ATMega8 microcontroller to monitor the controller’s state and then transmits that to the PSP’s IrDA port. There is a nice discussion of how the communication works. There’s a video demo of the controller being used to play Doom also. The project isn’t quite finished, but it does include source. Time for some two-player emulation.

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dpsp itrip

The iTrip is an FM transmitter designed for the iPod. This little hack nestles the transmitter into the PSP case so you can listen to your music through a car stereo. The broadcast frequency is set by playing special audio files, so you don’t need any external adjustments. The transmitter is turned on by plugging in a dummy headphone plug. I’m amazed they were able to cram this into the PSP case.

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Msn On The Psp

msn psp

finally someone worked out a nifty little system for the MSN for use on PSP.
And it looks good too. MSN isn’t as popular as AIM or anything else, but it’s great for talking with people who arent in america or just dont use aim. so this is obviously another step in psp advancing technology. there is literally maybe a little more than 2 or 3 graphics and the rest is nice and text based