Reverse Engineering The TEC-06 Battery Tester

[Syonyk] read that you could solder a few wires to a TEC-06 battery capacity tester, connect it to a TTL serial adapter, and it would interface with some Windows software via a serial port. You can buy it already enabled for serial, but since he had the non-connected version, he was interested in trying it. Not only did it work, but he took the time to reverse engineer the protocol and made a detailed write up about his findings and how he attacked the problem.

Around here, we never need an excuse to reverse engineer anything. But [Synonyk] mentions that he didn’t like using Windows-only software from China. If he wants it on Linux, or if Windows compatibility breaks with a new version, or if the software has spyware in it, he wants to be able to continue using the device. Of course, he also admits — and we get it — that he just enjoys doing it, too.

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