Trinket Contest Update #3


We’re still receiving tons of Trinket contest entries (here’s a link to the last update). After the break you’ll find another dozen that were sent in. If you’re waiting to see your own appear here please be patient as we’ve got a lot to wade through. If you haven’t sent in an offering yet you’ve got to get it in before Friday!

The contest asks you slap the Hackaday logo onto something for a chance at winning one of 20 Trinket dev boards donated by Adafruit for this contest.

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Trinket Contest Update #2


Whoa nelly, the Trinket entries are really starting to rolling in fast now! The last update featured only five, but below you’ll find an even dozen, and there are more coming in as we write!

The contest asks you slap the Hackaday logo onto something for a chance at winning one of 20 Trinket dev boards donated by Adafruit for this contest.

Continue reading “Trinket Contest Update #2”

Trinket Contest Update #1


Entries for the Trinket contest are starting to roll in. The challenge was to slap the Hackaday logo onto something, with 20 of Trinket dev boards which Adafruit put up for grabs. Here’s five of the early entries, which we’ll describe in more detail after the jump. Get your entry in by Friday, November 1st for a chance at a prize.

Continue reading “Trinket Contest Update #1”