a few readers have sent this in after news of tivo selling out on us–build your own personal video recorder, slackware linux 9.1 mythtv install guide, building a pvr in 3 or so steps for about $200 and zed’s dvd player case mod dvr. post up other diy pvrs in the comments!
Just wanted to say hello and welcome all the turkey day hackaday folks visiting byopvr today. Feel free to start a thread in the build your own PVR forum
(anonymous posting is allowed).
So if you have a question or want any guidance on your DIY PVR quest don’t be shy.
I’ll also check back here periodically to see if there’s any questions and answer the best I can =)
take care,
I have a pvr from dish network and have no service with them. I’m running it through my tv via rca jacks so I can watch what I had stored on the hard drive. Can I use this DishPRV508 to record from my tv? I also have a direct tv system hooked up with a r15 dvr (with service). I don’t get out much and just wanted to see if I could hook up another recorder (since I own it anyway).