A speech by famed chess player Garry Kasparov was interrupted Saturday by a remote controlled flying penis. Since many of you are at work or school we’ll leave all the pictures, videos, and tasteless jokes after the break.
LOLDongs definitely aren’t the main order of business in this office, but we have to admire the child like glee the builder of this contraption must have experienced. RC helicopters definitely are our expertise as we’ve covered several mini RC helicopter projects before: using an IR camera for position tracking, quad-copters at CCCamp, and basic building tips, but never anything so… turgid.
While first watching the video, we too were struck by the similarities to the infamous griefing attack on Second Life land baron Anshe Chung in 2006. While there doesn’t appear to be any hard evidence this was inspired by its virtual counterpart it is interesting to see the crossover into the real world. In both cases, the end result is the same: a room full of chuckles, an embarrassed speaker, and the blogosphere suddenly becomes dick pundits. At least we can agree on this: some things just weren’t meant to be airborne.
You have a typo. I believe that line should read, “some things just were meant to be airborne.”
Apparently he beat someone in a chess game that has some hardware hacking skills.
This is without doubt a response from the Kremlin.
Kremlin huh? I think they would’ve used Rasputin’s penis for “shock and awe” purposes
that one guy was such a cockblock
that is the bes rc flying penis i have ever seen EVER
I’d love to see a translation of Kasparov’s response to that one :)
This’ll show them that they’re not dicking around.
That’s gotta be a great gag (haha GAG!)
I love the bodyguards response of shock, confusion, then anger as he smashes the thing out of the air.
Also that was quite the payload for a fairly small copter.
Thank god it was just a harmless heli, and not something with a bigger payload of say, oh I don’t know… Ink or smoke. Then that bodygaurd would be a bigger dick than the helicopter.
HAHAHA I should start making and selling those. Time to contact my manufacturers.
Is that Peter Parker taking pictures?
Ahhh!!! The HELICOCKTER!!!
i think helicocker is funner
Um… Exactly which item in the recent poll does this fall under? ;)
@13: hardware. definitely not soft.
No, that wasn’t me taking pictures. In fact, I’ve never been to Russia.
This is just too fn funny. That bodyguard acts like he’s secret service. You know he was preparing for the worst, thinking “what on earth is it going to shoot from the head” Would have been an even sweeter hack if it had dropped a load on someone.
That was politicware, imho. or also handhelds hacks :)
Now it is proved! Dicks can fly! Everyone puts your backs to the wall! :oD
Wouldn’t the guy who built this be called “The Unit-Bomber”?
For future reference, some of us open batches of RSS items at a time, from work, and thus get pictures even if they’re “hidden” after the break. Just sayin’.
Anyone got a translation avaliable? He made a comment after the bodyguard went Hulk (COCK SMAAAASH!) and everyone laughed… Makes me wish I could understand Russian, but I barely have a grasp on English and the trio or Latin flavors.
Somebody should make a bunch of penis swarm bots and release them in a tennis game or something. 250 weenies-on-wheels zig zagging around a tennis court would be a freaking riot!
Re 16: I’d say just on general principle that opening an item with “penis” in the title at work ought to be transparently a bad idea…
He said the government showed it’s face.
And that it was bad taste.
It looks like he bought a flying f*ck heli and replaced the F*uck with a dildo.
this sh*t is still funny in 2022.