Essential Bluetooth Hacking Tools

Security-Hacks has a great roundup of essential Bluetooth hacking tools. As they point out, Bluetooth technology is very useful for communication with mobile devices. However, it is also vulnerable to privacy and security invasions. Learning the ins and outs of these tools will allow you to familiarize yourself with Bluetooth vulnerabilities and strengths, and enable you to protect yourself from attackers. The list is separated into two parts – tools to detect Bluetooth devices, and tools to hack into Bluetooth devices. Check out BlueScanner, which will detect Bluetooth-enabled devices, and will extract as much information as possible from those devices. Other great tools to explore include BTCrawler, which scans for Windows Mobile devices, or Bluediving, which is a Bluetooth penetration suite, and offers some unique features like the ability to spoof Bluetooth addresses, and an L2CAP packet generator. Most of the tools are available for use with Linux platforms, but there are a few you can also use with Windows.

[via Digg]

9 thoughts on “Essential Bluetooth Hacking Tools

  1. Attention: Due to a change in the German Law against Cybercrime (§202c StGB) I can no longer offer this software and any infmormation about how to use it. I will no longer answer mails regardings this tool. Sorry folks :-(

    Oh well

  2. These tools have been part of the Auditor 2 toolset for years. I am surprised it has just now reached hack-a-day. BT was a good idea, but the security codes for it are a joke.

    And don’t worry just because germany changed some laws someone else somewhere else could always pick up the project.

  3. You know I herd about that there’s a loop hole from what I was lead to believe. You can port all your stuff name and all to a another host off shore like here in the US or AU or CA a far as I know these countries don’t have any law agents the information the US by fact doesn’t.
    And from what I keep hearing that law and from what I read It doesn’t prevent you from viewing the stuff just the distribution of such info.

    Please. Let me know if I am wrong. and also add proof.

  4. everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, this right
    includes the freedom to hold opinions without interference, and to seek,
    receive and impart information through any media and regardless of
    go and read the universal declaration of human rights at especially the bit about rebelling against tyranny and oppression!

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