The Israeli hacker [Ehud Tenenbaum], known as “the Analyzer”, was arrested along with 3 Canadians for allegedly hacking into a Calgary-based financial services company and withdrawing almost CDN $2 million. The arrests were the results of a months-long investigation by both the Canadian police and the U.S. Secret Service. In 1998, [Tenenbaum] was accused of hacking into unclassified computer systems owned by NASA, and the Pentagon, among others. He is in custody without bail, although the three other suspects have been released on bond.
[thanks vor]
thank you for the article
If you intend to hack to steal money, don’t hack nasa
and the pentagon the week before…
heh morehpperliter i agree with you… comeone you know what they say…
the good hackers are known by everybody, but the best ones out there are known by few…
eventually skiddies and lawl “amateurs” get caught…
…and may I quote:
“Another one got caught today, it’s all over the papers. “Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal”, “Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering”…Damn kids. They’re all alike.”
Everyone who is saying he’s a cracker: he is a cracker, hell, I’d say he’s a script kiddie at best. But we all know the sensationalism that comes with wire stories having the title “Hacker”…just makes people wanna read…