[aris] is continuing work on his harmonic table keyboard midi controller. Instead of the traditional linear keyboard layout, keys are laid out in a hexagonal pattern. This is the same idea as the C-Thru AXiS, which you can find a video demo of here. Along the left edge is a row of buttons to transpose the layout up or down. Switches for octave up and down along with a generic slider are also included. The final controller will include a 16×2 LCD character display. The core of the controller is MIDIBox, and he’s using the SDK to write the custom C code. Embedded below is the first test with just four buttons wired.
That’s actually going to be a pretty sweet controller once everything is working. Because the buttons are so close together relative to a keyboard he’ll be able to do neat things.
i guess there’s really nothing new about that kind of layout. but if the keys were pressure sensitive (for graded touch) and each had an embedded rgb led that could be fun.
that’d be a great starting point for making your own lambdoma keyboard if that kinda thing floats your boat.
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