Harmonic Keyboard Controller


[aris] is continuing work on his harmonic table keyboard midi controller. Instead of the traditional linear keyboard layout, keys are laid out in a hexagonal pattern. This is the same idea as the C-Thru AXiS, which you can find a video demo of here. Along the left edge is a row of buttons to transpose the layout up or down. Switches for octave up and down along with a generic slider are also included. The final controller will include a 16×2 LCD character display. The core of the controller is MIDIBox, and he’s using the SDK to write the custom C code. Embedded below is the first test with just four buttons wired.


4 thoughts on “Harmonic Keyboard Controller

  1. That’s actually going to be a pretty sweet controller once everything is working. Because the buttons are so close together relative to a keyboard he’ll be able to do neat things.

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