Keykeriki: Wireless Keyboard Sniffer

[vimeo = 4990390] is releasing Keykeriki, a wireless keyboard sniffer. The project is both open source hardware and software. you can download the files on their site. Right now you can’t get a pre made board, but they plan on releasing one soon. The system can be upgraded with “backpacks” or add on modules. One of these is going to be an LCD that displays the keystrokes of the keyboard you are sniffing. Another is supposed to serve as an interface to your iPhone.  Right now it has the ability to decode Microsoft wireless keyboards, but the Logitech pieces should be added soon.

27 thoughts on “Keykeriki: Wireless Keyboard Sniffer

  1. Other vendors decoding follow as soon we built the decoding into the firmware. the hardware can handle All common 27mhz frequencies used according to fcc search. i will put together a guide how to get samples from currently unsupported keyboards when i got the time. or simply help us :) greetings.. max. 2.4ghz will be a different receiver but might be nlin the work :)

  2. Update: Microsoft has issued the following statement:

    Keyboards from multiple manufacturers are affected by this device. Where Microsoft keyboards are concerned, customers using our Bluetooth-enabled keyboards are protected from this type of attack. In addition, users of our 2.4GHz wireless keyboard designs from July 2011 onwards are also protected because these keyboards use Advance Encryption Standard (AES) technology.

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