Gesture Controlled Tetris


Look at this awesome glove. This awesome glove is used to control tetris. Yes, you read that right, it controls tetris. This was a final project at Cornell in the summer of 2008. They built this glove to do gesture controlled tetris. With all the announcements of the PS3 motion device and Microsoft’s project Natal, it’s nice to look back to our very recent past and see some alternative user input. These people are using accellerometer data only, sent to the computer wirelessly.

21 thoughts on “Gesture Controlled Tetris

  1. i’ll go ahead and second the second of the third motion. also, I’d like to file a new motion that we stop fucking with tetris, which was already perfect decades ago.

  2. Another Caleb Kraft post. He’s good at picking out the mundane. Krafty Caleb occasionally has good posts, but often these are comparable to his ridiculous “Shoe Cell Phone” post.

    This project is a huge waste of time — it’s obvious that out of the “I second the notion of the 4th notion of the 3rd notion that notions the 2nd notion of the 1st” comments this is like trying to reinvent the wheel — the PowerGlove was released in what…the late 80’s or early 90’s? I had one as a kid…and it controlled a lot more than tetris, and it would have saved these guys a ton of time to just reverse-engineer a power glove with a USB port and build an input driver controller.

    Apparently this version uses a wireless connection instead of that clunky old PowerGlove sensor that wrapped around half of the TV, so I’d suppose that’s a plus.

    Leave it to college kids when it comes to wasting time. ;p

  3. @supershwa
    Do you think I put interesting posts aside in favor of more mundane posts? Submit something better and I’ll happily publish it.

    as far as this project is concerned, it was immediately compared to the power glove because it is on their hand. It uses a completely different technology (accel vs sonar). These people built a really cool input device that uses accelerometer data and simply chose a fairly boring way to show it off. They could have done any number of other uses that didn’t involve holding your hand in front of the TV, and thus would have avoided the comparison. Cut them some slack.

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