The Motori plotter is fast and high precision. One image shows that it is drawing lines at .5mm. Like others in the flickr set, we keep thinking of how we could apply this to PCB creation. Great job [svofski]. If you want one that’s not as precise, but might have a much cooler drawing mechanism, you might want to check out the lego arm plotter we posted back in May.
I think the pencil could be replaced with a conductive pen
LOL it’s Whistling!!
NSFW!! LOL JK, awesome
sharpie, then etch?
sounds awesome
just stick a dremel on it
needs more crayons
you made a machine that draws naked dudes ? fail!
the lady is A-sexual and has small tits wtf
Its the famus picture on that spaceprobe, you illiterate dipswitchs, not a nude chick.
i aree with nave. a dremel at the right height would make a pcb in a flash
The two nude figures are from the plaques on the Pioneer spacecraft. Look up “pioneer plaque” on Wikipedia.
0.5mm isn’t enough accuracy for PCB creation.
Hi, thanks for mentioning my contraption!
There seems to be confusion about plotter accuracy. I can’t measure it to be +/- 0.5mm exactly, it’s much higher actually and I can draw a PCB many times over the same place and it will reproduce it exactly right every time. This is the good part, but…
all pens that I tried produce lines that are at least thicker than 0.5mm, and this is a serious limitation for a PCB layout, spacing between traces and pads has to be wider than usual. The ink also tends to spread a little bit unevenly on copper, so the result is not comparable with a traditional laser printer/UV photoresist method. It can work for simplier designs though. SOIC is ok, 0.8mm TQFP is ok.
You can’t hang a dremel on a plotter gantry. Plotters are not rigid enough.
How about just send your eagle files to batch PCB and get a board that is done right in short order.
Or if you are ADHD and cant wait, get the blue iron on etch resist pages and etch it yourself before your bawls sugar and guarana buzz wears off.
I have no idea why you guys are so intent on making etching PCB’s to be a rube goldberg thing.
Is the dude above me a complete jerk or am I wrong? the whole idea of a page like this is to show what people are doing “themselves” not what some commercial company is producing.. I for one love the plotter and think with a little refinement it could make pcb’s for us no problem.. svofski please if you read this release the schematic and any code to go along with it .. I for one cant wait to get building.. with my own toner transfer pcb and all ;)
Evilhacker: you’re 100% right. This is a HACK site!
Fartface is a jerk.
“You can’t hang a dremel on a plotter gantry. Plotters are not rigid enough.”
yes you can, you will have to do some work
you just have to make it strong enough to take the weight and vibration
you can get very accurate linear bearings and rails from any industrial supply company…and much more powerful drives for the increased weight
and its not like you cant slow it down a bit if you are overshooting because of the momentum
This is great, I have a question. I have very little information on the mechanics of this stuff. I wanted to know how this decides what to draw first, next and last.
Can anyone suggest an industrial supply company that would ship internationally? I only know mcmaster-carr, but they don’t do exports.
that image was sent into space on the pioneer 10
“you just have to make it strong enough to take the weight and vibration”
This is completely true. Also, if you machine the plotter frame out of cast iron and fit it with ballslides and use ballscrews instead of belts to move the head, you could mount a heavy duty milling head on it and cut stainless steel.
Only at that point, it wouldn’t be a simple, lightweight, inexpensive plotter, would it?
@rs: exactly!
Here’s the project description, circuits and source code:
It’s a WIP, subject to change without notice ;)
the firware will not be published (hex, bin)?
“Only at that point, it wouldn’t be a simple, lightweight, inexpensive plotter, would it?”
lulz, you are right
the point i am trying to make is that the controller is the most difficult part. if you can gank it from somewhere, it shouldnt be too difficult or too expensive to make a moderately sized pcb
“how we could apply this to PCB creation.”
per its drawings, its already being applied to creationism. :P