Fritzing, Go From Prototype To Product


Fritzing is an open source project designed to help you move from a prototype to a finished project. Aimed at those basing their projects around Arduino, you start by building your physical prototype, then recreate it with Fritzing software’s graphical editor. From there you can generate a schematic, PCB artwork, and PCB production files.

[thanks CH]

21 thoughts on “Fritzing, Go From Prototype To Product

  1. Its an interesting piece of software…
    one might ask what the hell need someone reading hack-a-day a very basic and simplified electronic cad package.

    But hey !!! We all start as little hackers :) As soon as your boy (or girl!!! there are fare to less hackish girls !!!) starts becoming interesting in what Daddy (or Mum ;) ) is doing always in the garage…. Go and install this on the children netbook :P

  2. thanks for posting us!

    as tux-fan says, the idea is indeed to get people with a non-technical background started. in fact, we want to enable people who can barely use the arduino to become more advanced and possibly become real hackers.

    that’s also why fritzing isn’t limited to arduino. you can use for any electronics project.

  3. why all the arduino hate? Its an easy platform that can do alot. I love the codebase as it makes my work quick and easy to interface with whatever I want. Though im waiting for someething the same price with many times the power and memory. then it will get interesting.

    arduino hacks (148)

    well since that’s way too many i dont want to see any more:

    home entertainment hacks (279)
    home hacks (151)
    news (530)
    pcs hacks (225)
    peripherals hacks (349)
    robots hacks (268)
    security hacks (167)

    not to mention the more general categories. clearly a hack site should not post articles about building things. i for one only want to see hacks that add cold cathode lights, unlock cellphones using script kiddie programs that require way, way less skill than an arduino build, and ways to make talking stuffed animals sound like satan.

    This argument seems like the whole linux thing. you aren’t socially valued if you don’t use linux. Well I for one hate going through thirty pages of manuals to adjust one little function when I am competent at modifying windows systems quickly. not to mention windows is more snappy, unless you really don’t bother to make your system your own.

    all that cynicism being said, my point is STFU the world doesn’t revolve around you.

  4. I agree with nope. I thought the idea here was to see and learn what was going on in the world of hardware hacking and see what you can garner and use in your own projects. Well, for most that has to start somewhere… and for many that means a somewhat easy foray into a dev board like the arduino or pickit1, 2 or 3 with relatively low pin count board.

    If you are more advanced than that, then you can decide to not look at the post or possibly allow people to not be as awesome as you.

    As for the OS thing, I use OS X, windows and linux. They all have their place, but I wouldn’t say that any one is better than the others when talking all around. They are all great, but OS X seems to crash and lock up more than the others… oddly enough.

  5. I majored in Computer Science, not Electrical Engineering. I can write code very well, however as a hobby I really enjoy playing with my arduino. Recently I wanted to learn more about etching my own PCB’s, so I tried downloading EAGLE. I was promptly completely and utterly lost (also, it kept seg-faulting in linux).

    So I downloaded kicad, followed the tutorial, and then spent 3 days trouble shooting issues related to circuit validation. The tutorial was not an explanation of why things worked the way they did, it was made for people who already knew a lot about electronics and circuit diagramming.

    Many of you “1337” hardware hackers deride this as being a “toy for children” just because you know more about other programs. Instead of deriding this as a childish toy, why doing you write up a MEANINGFUL guide on how to use (and setup) EAGLE or kicad?

    As it stands your comments are pointless and contribute nothing to the conversation besides to point out that you are an elitist hardware snob that considers yourself better than everyone else.

    I for one am grateful to hack-a-day for bringing me news of programs like this which can help me learn more about electronic hardware.

  6. LukeS,

    Eagle is a nice program for layout, available in both Windows and Linux. It does not have any simulation tools built in, and the free version is limited in board layout size (something like a 4×6 board in size).

  7. For the sake of peace in the community….

    I don’t like software introduction in hack-a-day

    because its called hack-a-day not soft-a-day ;)

    … however sometimes the software is close enough to hardware and useful for projects for some (as in this case)… I guess there are always some exceptions.

    There are more and more rumors and fights what should hack-a-day publish or not.

    I like to ask the webmasters here. Could you think about some way of a individual user based category selection. Maybe somehow one can check a list of interesting categories and save them in a little cookie (this prevent a required user login).
    every entry will be tagged by one or several of this categories. Finally, one will only see what he has asking for. That might finish the endless discussions

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