[jayesh] wasn’t actually trying to solve any clever problems when we built his homebrew GPS tracker. He just had the hacker mentality and wanted to build something fun and useful while geeking out with electronics and software.
On the hardware side, he started with an Arduino, then added a GPS module for location detection and a GMS/GPRS module for the data uplink to his server over AT&T’s network. The Arduino uses several libraries and plenty of custom code. On the server, he worked up some wizardry with open-source packages and the Google Maps API. All of the source code and hardware details are well-documented. Put together, it’s a GPS tracker that can update a map in real-time. Sure, there are commercial products that do roughly the same thing, but where’s the fun in that? The principles here can also be put to good use in other microcontroller-based projects.
nice work! i am glad it is open source…
You know you can buy those on ebay for 1/3rd the price of what he spent and they are ready to go.
Yes his is open source and allows you to modify how it reports the data, but cheap trumps open and take a week or so to make it every day.
Are those trackers can be hacked?
they got a gsm module and a gps that got to speak to the controller in UART so for 60$ you can get a nice deal…
Not to take anything away from jayesh’s wonderful project but a similar capability using amateur (ham) radio for the RF link is in wide use and available to everyone. It’s called APRS and here are a couple of sites where you can see the tracking results:
mail2600.com for aircraft
I understand that English is not these sellers native language, but couldn’t they at least try to have it translated properly? Maybe have someone who speaks it natively check it over for obvious mistakes. How can feel confidant that this product is as advertised when I can’t even understand the whole advertisement?
Hmm, maybe I should do a better job proofreading my own work. I meant to ask “How can I feel confidant.”
Cool! It was my plan to build something exactly like this when I own a valuable car, in place of the traditional useless, wolf-crying, PITA alarm system.
Thanks for saving me the work! :P
@toojepp4u: s/confidant/confident/g
This hardware is becoming common and easily accessible. US Auto Ins. companies are releasing ODB-II loggers that consist of a CDMA modem, GPS module, all in a ODB powered interface with ARM uC brain.
If you manage to find one of these, its a boatload of good parts. I think it would be possible to change the MEID on the cdma module, dunno. I doubt it is as locked down as say an Android phone. (which kills itself if it’s esn is changed)
They are used for logging distance and location data, speed and engine stats directly over the air to the auto ins. companies servers so they can prorate your policy. Very big brother imo.
Great engineering.
nice article with inspiring information..
I hope there can be well explained to me. I was working on this project but having some problems. thank you
Similar project using Arduino in http://www.cooking-hacks.com/projects/arduino-realtime-gps-gprs-vehicle-tracking