A few months ago, Buildlounge and Full Spectrum Laser started a contest to win a 40 Watt laser cutter. The only requirement? Submit a project that uses light in some way. The deadline is now over and voting is open, right on the buildlounge.com page.
First place gets a 40 Watt laser cutter provided by Full Spectrum Laser. Second place is a neat green laser courtesy of Wicked Lasers, and Third place is an EL wire starter kit from Adafruit.
There’s a lot of really awesome projects that were submitted for this contest. The laser terminal looks really cool, as does the friggin huge LED wall and choreographed light show. We would be remiss if we neglected to mention that there’s a home-made x-ray machine in the running, and of course there’s the mathematical precision of fellow Hack a Day-er [Jack]’s solar clock that isn’t a sundial.
The guys at Buildlounge got a lot of submissions for this project, so head on over and vote for your favorite. The winners will be announced next week, Friday, the 13th of January.
The destructor distractor FTW!
It looks like those choreographed light show people built absolutely everything, right down to their own cables. That’s pretty hardcore.
Oh fail. Another contest I totally would have entered if only I had known about it BEFORE the deadline.
It was also mentioned a few times when projects where posted that are entries in the contest (like the portable X-Ray). If you missed the contest, then you’re not paying attention.
That laser looks suspiciously like the cheap chinese laser we had on hackaday about a year ago.
i see a problem with this contest it is now january 3 2012 and this hack entry was added today
now the entry deadline has passed.
i think you may want to make the deadline further out or make contests top priority when adding new hacks to the site.
You mean like, say, announcing the contest in October?
The portable Xray machine is an amazing build. Very cool!!
Crap, beaten. Yes, it’s freaking awesome.
X-rays are not light though. Interesting to see buildlounge letting them compete anyway.
I can’t wait for a PIC contest because I have an arduino project all ready……
The guy with the white LED glued to some plywood appears to have found a proxy server. 20,345 votes… hahah.
Looks like they know about it
These are always popularity contests….in this case the “LED glued to plywood” guy is obviously cheating. Last time I checked he had more votes then buildlounge has viewers.
There’s not even any verification that the project was done by the person who entered. I entered someone elses project just to prove a point. See if you can guess which one.
I really want the guy who painted a lightbulb to win though.
Stupid comment interface.
I am the guy who made the lamp.
I just want to point out that I did not cheat.
Yes i saw the numbers go up, and it was a mystery for me to.
I have never expected so many votes, why? because I am a humble person and I now the other entries are much better.
Why entering you say: 1 because it is a light contest 2 instructables has some legal issues with international entries so I could not enter their light contest.
I just want to clear my name, because i love the hacker and maker community and I hope to be a part of it for a long time.
Man, I really hope the home built x-ray guy wins. That thing is fucking crazy cool. Also, with precision cut parts, he’s less likely to kill somebody.
With precision parts he can now build a CT scanner that he will now use to detect if he got cancer building his x-ray machine!
Well, he thinks he’s going to cut aluminum parts with the laser cutter, so the radiation might have already gotten to him.
Seeing that some stupid wooden lamp is leading with double the votes then the 2nd place (laser harp) then I think it’s more of a popularity contest then a hackers contest.
The fact that the lamp is posted from instructables doesn’t really help in saying that this isn’t about popularity.
Here are my entries:
Ceiling Fan Pull Chain Nightlight
Musically Animated EL Wire Gift Box
I’m the owner of a Full Spectrum 40W laser and while it’s cool to have, and works (woo! lasers!), the company is really hard to deal with (Ocean Marketing style).