The fun of playing Settlers of Catan is only matched by the desire to punch your friend when their turn drags on with endless deliberating. [Alpha Phoenix] has solved that quandary of inefficient play by building the Settlers of Catan: Electroshock Therapy Expansion.
[Alpha Phoenix] is holding back on the details of the device to forestall someone trying this at home and injuring themselves or others, but there’s plenty to glean from his breakdown of how the device works. An Adafruit Trinket microcontroller connects to a single pole 12 throw switch — modified from a double pole six throw rotary switch — to select up to six different players (with the other six positions alternated in as pause spaces) and the shocks are delivered through a simple electrode made from a wire hot glued to HDPE plastic from a milk jug. The power supply is capable of delivering up to 1100V, but the actual output is much less than that, thanks to its built-in impedance of about 2.5M Ohms, as well as added resistance by [Alpha Phoenix].
To define what constitutes a ‘long turn,’ the Trinket calculates the mean of up to the first 100 turn lengths (instead of a static timer to accommodate for the relative skills of the players in each game) and zaps any offending player — and then repeatedly at a set time afterwards — to remind them that they need to pick up the pace.
[Alpha Phoenix] suggests an alternate option where a buzzer would sound instead, prompting the slowpoke to discard cards as a penalty, but that sounds far less exciting. However you wish to ameliorate your games — be it by laser cutting your own board or creating your own console — just remember to stay safe and have fun.
[via /r/electronics]
Yessss. I need this
I just wonder if this kind of tech would affect those with weak heart – especially those who are not aware their heart might be especially susceptible to externally applied electric discharges.
Anyone else reminded of ? ….
you see thouse cables? Thats exactly how you end up messing up everything on the table like roads and castles…
Sorry for my bad english