The Raspberry Pi is possibly the world’s most popular emulation platform these days. While it was never intended to serve this purpose, the fact remains that a small, compact computer with flexible I/O is ideally suited to it. We’ve featured a multitude of builds over the years using a Pi in a mobile form factor to take games on the go. [Michael]’s build, however, offers a lot more than a few Nintendo ROMs and some buttons from eBay. It’s a tour de force in enclosure design.
The build starts with the electronics. In 2017 it’s no longer necessary to cobble together five different accessory boards to handle the controls, battery charging, and display. Boards like Kite’s Super All In One exist, handling everything necessary for a handheld game console. With this as a starting point, he then set out to recreate Nintendo’s classic Game Boy, with a few tweaks to form and function.
It’s a textbook example of smart planning, design, and execution. We are taken through the process of creating the initial CAD drawings, then combining 3D printed parts with wood and carbon fibre for a look that is more akin to a high-end piece of hi-fi gear than anything related to gaming. The attention to detail is superb and the write-up makes it look easy, while [Michael] shares tips on how to safely cut carbon fibre to make your own buttons.
The final results are stunning, and it’s a great example of why a fine piece of wood is always a classy way to go for an enclosure. For another great example, try this walnut keyboard, or check out the roots of the Raspberry Pi Game Boy movement.
“Kite’s SUPER All-In-One Board” has taken the hacker out of it, Still nice for arrangement some of the wiring jobs on these get a little to spaghetti for me
seems like he hacked together the enclosure pretty well to me. there are many different types of hackers, some people just have different talents.
I think this is more about the enclosure than the electronics. Combining printed parts, wood and carbon fiber is pretty hackish and the result is very nice.
Yep, there’s nothing to see on the electronic side, but the craftsmanship is great
It looks very nice but is carbon fiber a good idea to select as a raw material as something the user is expected to be regularly handling like that?
I imagine there’s a thick enough layer of resin on top that you never actually touch the carbon fiber.
It looks like off the shelf carbon fiber and the issue with carbon fiber and skin contact is in relation to not just physical properties of the material before it is impregnated but the fact that the epoxy resin commonly used isn’t exactly food safe or safe for skin contact either. So it’s not just a physical touch concern with this particular material. Though that has not exactly stopped people from making things like carbon fiber steering wheels or cell phone cases.
OK, very cool enclosure build but mindblowing? Come on HaD.
Gonna bait those clicks. Next up “You won’t believe what Bob did to his Arduino” /s
Seriously Hackaday, please cut the bombast in the titles and write-ups. While it may bring you more clicks, it overshadows and cheapens the actual accomplishment of many of the great hacks presented. After being told that a hack is “super awesome world’s most mindblowing”, there’s always a bit of disappointment when only finding a well executed and competent hack.
Yeah. I mean, if it doesn’t literally blow my brain out of my skull, what’s the real point? Go full JFK or go the f*ck home, amirite?
Seriously though, cut them some slack. It’s a literary mechanism of the modern era, maybe it will change later and maybe it won’t. Bitching about it isn’t going to change it, as has been made clear already.
I agree, it is certainly a ‘literary mechanism of the modern era’, as you put it. I also agree some slack may be well deserved. However I think this comment raises a interesting question. Can “bitching” drive change in this sphere? I imagine in such a hacking centered environment constructive criticism could be welcomed, however I often see positive approaches towards changes on the site degrading into near meme territory (that is perhaps an exaggeration). At that point I have to wonder if the community is just seen as antagonists who will bitch about anything.
It’s by far the best I’ve seen in this area and stunning work from a DIYer.
Please feel free to send in even mindblowinger tips and we’ll gladly write them up!
Beautiful build! the picture here does not do it justice!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the walk through in the link “tour de force” was right on the money.
Would have been nicer as a unibody, without a split. Cool anyway.