Build A Sprint Race Timer To Help Your Training

Any exercise is a positive thing, but if you’re looking to improve over time, you’ve got to measure your performance. [Nikodem Bartnik] is a runner and is looking to improve his sprinting abilities. Naturally, an Arduino is the perfect companion to help in this quest (YouTube link, embedded below).

The Arduino is built into a 3D printed enclosure, with several buttons for input. Rather unconventionally, a small e-paper display was chosen for the interface. This has the benefits of being easily readable outdoors during the day, as well as using very little power.

The device is simple to use, and makes training alone a breeze. The distance to be run can be selected, and the unit emits a series of beeps to indicate to the runner when to begin. The timer is placed at the finish line, and detects the runner passing by with an ultrasonic sensor.

It’s a useful build for sprint timing, and could be made even more versatile with a remote start function. If you need to time Hot Wheels instead of sprinters, don’t worry – there’s a build for you too. Video after the break.

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