Pandemic got you way behind on your exercise goals? Us too. But not [codaris] who bought an under-desk bike to get in a bit of cycling while banging away on the keyboard. The only bad thing about this bike is the accompanying app — it’s all-around weak and requires too many steps just to get to peddlin’. It pays to know thyself, and [codaris] knows that this will be a major de-motivator and made a desktop app that does it all, including/starting up as soon as the pedals start spinning.
[codaris] built a Windows application that displays workout data in real time and then saves the stats in a SQLite database after the pedaling stops. It took a fair amount of work to get there, logging the Bluetooth traffic during a ride and comparing that with Wireshark output from a live session to decode the communication between the bike and the app. Turns out there are six commands total, and [codaris] really only needs three — Connect, Start Workout, and Continue Workout.
The app displays the elapsed workout time, speed, distance traveled, and the current RPM. We love that it starts logging and displaying data as soon as [codaris] starts pedaling, because that would be a major goal for us, too.
There’s more than one way to hack a bike. [codaris] was inspired by [ptx2]’s excellent work to un-brick a much more expensive bike with a Raspberry Pi.
Thanks for the tip, [Jhart99]!
Whoops, I think we already covered this one:
Oh wow, it’s surprising that this could happen. Must mean you have a very horizontal (or is it vertical ?? I never get that stuff … ) work organization, right ?
Multiple editors, multiple writers. Sometime dupes happen but usually we catch them before publication.
Seems like you could automate checking for repeated main links.
It must be a bit frustrating for the authors when this happens. Maybe a shared Google doc with a list of the articles people are currently working on or something? Not sure what the most efficient/convenient way of fighting this might be. Also, it must be pretty rare … I’d actually be curious to learn how often you catch one of these dupes (that we then don’t see). Actually, having from time to time an article on how Hackaday operates day to day like this, sounds like a pretty fun series to have here (in moderate doses, and without revealing any trade secrets). Might motivate some people to contribute too, by demystifying the process and stuff.
Yes, please – an article about how Hackaday works! I’d love to see that!
+1 !!
These were discovered by police under the desks of an sex booking agency. Newspaper headline read…. Escort Service Pedals Their Asses….
If you want to stop doing and liking your hobby start measuring it.
I can never use these bikes. They always shift and move on me.
{Can’t tell if joking}