When it comes to 3D printed builds, they’re often limited in size due to the small build volume of most printers. However, [Ivan Miranda] has always gone big with his builds, and his latest tank design shows that off in spades.

[Ivan] has been working on printed human-sized tanks for years, and his latest revision aims to solve many of the problems that have hampered its performance in the past. A belt drive is the first major upgrade, aiming to improve the reliability of the drivetrain which has been a pain point in the past. The motor mounts also get built out of aluminium this time to help keep things cooler, as melting was a potential concern previously.
The tank’s controls are also upgraded, this time using a simple pedal system to control the brushless motors for easier driving. There’s even a printed seat for better ergonomics. The result is a giant tank big enough for an adult human, with the bonus that it’s now easy to steer and no longer requires [Ivan] to lie down inside to fit.
[Ivan’s] big printers are key to his success on big builds. One new part for the tank weighs a full 5.8 kg, printed in just 2.5 days! We can’t wait to see what giant thing he builds next. Word is the tank will be getting a turret, too. Video after the break.
Is there a single printed part in that ‘tank’ that couldn’t have been cut out of wood or metal?
3d printing is great to produce hard/impossible to make parts…I don’t see any…wrong tool (for the visible parts anyhow).
He should 3d print a set of automotive brake disks next, then a new ring and pinion gear set, finally a ‘big stick’ cam for his car. Those all make as much sense as this fragile plastic mockup.
How many $ did the filament for this cost? This looks like a 2 sheet plywood project from the back of an old Popular Mechanics. Granted plywood ain’t cheap.
It’s not about how useful having a human sized 3d printed tank is, it’s just a cool idea this guy wanted to make. Just because there’s a way to do something doesn’t mean it can’t be fun to try it a different way, even if it is blatantly worse.
Blatantly worse?
No. Life is short. ‘An hour in the library can save you a year in the lab.’
Material selection is elementary. When someone’s only tool is a 3d printer…
He could have bought an old CNC milling machine and elementary tooling for what he paid for filament. To say nothing of a HF sheet metal break and (non HF) MIG welder (the right tools to make the tank chassis).
Engineering is multidisciplinary. He’s ignoring the business aspect. Or maybe not. But his business is making youtube videos, not durable things.
He’s spamhandling to fund it. Long list of suckers at vid end.
I’ll admit its perspective. 3d printer ‘enthusiast’ vs. Engineer.
He’s good at 3d printing already. Time to learn more tools.
The MIG would make a dandy metal 3d printer head. Been done many times. Also he gets to play with fire when welding.
You really should perhaps look at his channel before criticising it.
He has other CNC machines and didn’t pay for the filament.
You should look at the Ivan Miranda’s youtube channel. He is not a guy pretending to make a big engineering work. Its just a guy making things. Things like a big cnc router, a big mill capable of milling steel and a lot of other things. Maybe it’s not the better way but it’s not engineering, its entertainment.
I 3D print a lot of stuff that could be built with plywood or other materials, but the point (for me, anyway) is that while the printer is building it for me, I can be building something else. It’s an efficiency multiplier. This is especially true if I need many of them. I let the printer do the work.
This is more like exploring what can be done with 3D printing
Weight to strength ratio.
Check his YouTube channel, then comment. This guy is an absolute genius. He has built this tank, and the 3D printer to build the tank, and a CNC, and… You mame it. Absolute genius.
Add a turret with nerf gun -> real life BZFlag!
Gary Numan called and he wants his Telekon car back.