[mat kelcey] was so impressed and inspired by the concept of a very slow movie player (which is the playing of a movie at a slow rate on a kind of DIY photo frame) that he created his own with a high-resolution e-ink display. It shows high definition frames from Alien (1979) at a rate of about one frame every 200 seconds, but a surprising amount of work went into getting a color film intended to look good on a movie screen also look good when displayed on black & white e-ink.
The usual way to display images on a screen that is limited to black or white pixels is dithering, or manipulating relative densities of white and black to give the impression of a much richer image than one might otherwise expect. By itself, a dithering algorithm isn’t a cure-all and [mat] does an excellent job of explaining why, complete with loads of visual examples.
One consideration is the e-ink display itself. With these displays, changing the screen contents is where all the work happens, and it can be a visually imperfect process when it does. A very slow movie player aims to present each frame as cleanly as possible in an artful and stylish way, so rewriting the entire screen for every frame would mean uglier transitions, and that just wouldn’t do.

So the overall challenge [mat] faced was twofold: how to dither a frame in a way that looked great, but also tried to minimize the number of pixels changed from the previous frame? All of a sudden, he had an interesting problem to solve and chose to solve it in an interesting way: training a GAN to generate the dithers, aiming to balance best image quality with minimal pixel change from the previous frame. The results do a great job of delivering quality visuals even when there are sharp changes in scene contrast to deal with. Curious about the code? Here’s the GitHub repository.
Here’s the original Very Slow Movie Player that so inspired [mat], and here’s a color version that helps make every frame a work of art. And as for dithering? It’s been around for ages, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t new problems to solve in that space. For example, making dithering look good in the game Return of the Obra Dinn required a custom algorithm.
I suspect paint drying: the movie would have been a better candidate.
Kind of looks like it has used the GIMP ‘Threshold’ feature on every frame.
Would be interesting to see how ControlNet or Ebsynth interprets this