Harvesting Water With High Voltage

Atmospheric water harvesting is a way to obtain fresh water in arid regions, as there is always some moisture in the air, especially in the form of morning fog. The trick lies in capturing this moisture as efficiently as possible, with a range of methods available that start at ancient low-tech methods involving passive fog droplet capture all the way to variants of what are effectively large dehumidifiers.

A less common way involves high-voltage and found itself the subject of a recent Plasma Channel video on YouTube. The inspiration for the build was a 2018 paper by [Maher Damak] et al. (PDF) titled Electrostatically driven fog collection using space charge injection.

One of the two stakes that make up the electrostatic precipitator system for atmospheric water harvesting. (Credit: Plasma Channel, YouTube)
One of the two stakes that make up the electrostatic precipitator system for atmospheric water harvesting. (Credit: Plasma Channel, YouTube)

Rather than passively waiting for dew to collect on the collector, as with many of the methods detailed in this review article by [Xiaoyi Liu] et al., this electrostatic approach pretty much does what it says on the tin. It follows the principle of electrostatic precipitators with a high-voltage emitter electrode to ionize the air and grounded collector wires. In the video a small-scale version (see top image) was first constructed, demonstrating the effectiveness. Whereas the passive grid collected virtually none of the fog from an ultrasonic fog maker, with 35 kV applied the difference was night and day. No water was collected with the first test, but with power applied a significant 40 mL was collected in 5 minutes on the small mesh.

With this scale test complete, a larger version could be designed and tested. This simplifies the emitter to a single wire connected between two stakes, one of which contains the 20 kV HV generator and battery. The mesh is placed right below it and grounded (see image). With an extreme fog test inside a terrarium, it showed a very strong effect, resulting in a harvest of 14 mL/Wh for this prototype. With a larger scale version in a real-life environment (i.e. desert) planned, it’ll be interesting to see whether this method holds up in a more realistic scenario.

23 thoughts on “Harvesting Water With High Voltage

  1. That’s extremely cool. I imagine the current requirements are minimal, right? So it should work fine from solar panels.

    Alternatively, a purely mechanical version could be made from something like a windmill attached to the belt of a van der Graaf generator. Or maybe a waterwheel…

    (PS. Has the ‘save my name’ feature in this comment engine ever worked?)

    1. 14mL for 3600J, I wouldn’t call this efficient (in a saturated wet environment). You can cool 860mL of water for the same amount of energy, and usually, you need to reach the dew point to get it to condense by itself. Said differently the dehumidifier will perform better, faster and more efficiently.

      1. 3600 J will cool 860 mL of water a single degree… and so what?

        3600 J is also the amount of heat you need to pump to condense 1.6 mL of water vapour into liquid water, which is a more relevant measure.

        By comparison, using ions and an electric field to persuade water droplets to coalesce and yield 14 mL / 3600 J is doing pretty well. But it requires that the water droplets (fog) already exists — nature has already done most of the thermodynamic work.

          1. Yes.

            The heat of vaporization of 14 ml of water is about 32 kJ so they’re using about 10% of what would be needed to condense the water from vapor, but simply collecting the water from fog shouldn’t take even 1%.

            In fact it should take almost no energy at all. People in desert climates where night fog commonly occurs use completely passive canvas nets to collect water, getting around 100-500 ml per square meter of netting per day. Compared to that, this is just a terrible waste of energy.

  2. hum… 14 mL/Wh with a “strong fog”. That would be about 1.4L/h on a 100W solar panel for example, again depending on this “strong fog”, which I doubt you’ll be seeing anywhere in a desert. I think a 100W solar panel would be more useful pumping water from a well in this case.

    1. a surprising number of deserts in the world have lots of fog despite having almost no rain, and an equally surprising number of people live in or near them. The Atacama desert in chile is perhaps the most famous, but parts of the sahara get plenty of fog as well.

      Sure, you can sink a well and hit usable water if you’re lucky, but since there’s no rain, there’s only so much groundwater pumping people can do before the aquifer is depleted.

    2. Drilling is quite expensive and in the desert you first have to transport all drilling equipment and most probably have to drill deep, guessing between 150-250 meters (500 to 800 feet) to find water, possibly more. Pumping water hundreds of meeters is also not an easy task. And when done, after some years of extensive use you will lower the ground water level.

      I think the point of this idea is the simplicity, add a small fan do get a lot of air passing by to condence water might increase the efficiency.

  3. Compared it to a thermoelectric peltier dehumidifier, about the least energy efficient way to make cold for dehumidification. This is obviously a different pathway, but it would be good to see how this stacks up to compressor based dehumidifiers in more real world conditions.

    1. With a solar panel, let’s say 100W and 14 hours of sunlight per day. That 14 mL/W collection rate, if it truly could be sustained, is 19.6L a day. That is potentially enough for primitive household use for a single person or frugal couple.

      If you’re living in an arid place or otherwise are unable to setup a well, then living on minimal water usage is probably already assumed. An extra 20L/day is a luxury from air and sunlight for the cost of some electronics, mesh, and a decent sized solar panel is a bargain. Save your money for trucking out the liquid, specifically the honeywagon that an off-grid home periodically needs.

      Extending this to Hawaiians, where some rural properties don’t have a viable groundwater source and people have long used elaborate rainwater collection as their primary water source or to supplement their water supply.

  4. The referenced paper says Many remote drought-prone coastal areas have little or no rain and prohibitively expensive water transportation costs but have dense fog that occurs on a regular basis, and references the source, which indicates the “regular basis” is seven times in a year.

    What’s enough water to sustain a family for months between fog events, plus some reserve? 3000 liters? And you need to collect that in the hour or so of morning fog that you get.

    That 14 mL/Wh suddenly doesn’t look good at all. 3000 L will need 214 kWh of energy. If it’s all collected in one hour during that rare fog event, that’s a 214 kilowatt high voltage generator you need, plus the storage battery to run it.

    Seems like an awful lot of expense to collect enough water for a family to survive on.

    But even dry desert air contains a few tenths percent water (several grams per cubic meter), which a compressor-based or sorbent-based water extractor can readily capture for you. The energy required is no better than the electrostatic fog collector (a few hundred joules per gram), but you could run it all the time, or purely on solar power a few hours per day. A sorbent-based water separator could even run on waste heat.

    1. New to youtube and the algorithm are we?

      Why say something in 5 minutes that can be alluded to and talked around for 37 minutes followed by a perfect-first-time build montage followed by uncritically declaring success?

  5. The biggest issue that’s glossed over in this entire video is the supply of completely saturated air. Fog doesn’t flow like this, it condenses out of the air. You can’t create a “stream of charged/ionic water molecules” in static fog. Even if you could, you’d be creating a dry barrier between the airmass able to affected by the charged field versus the air mass just outside the range. A better application of that electricity to render water from the air would be a simple peltier unit creating a cold surface for the water to condense on, the same concept but much much lower power and much higher efficiency, though the rate is lower as it’s practically passive. But hey, no need for kJ and kill-you-power.

    1. He specifically showed that wasn’t true by using a peltier dehumidifier for comparison. More traditional dehumidification may very well be a more efficient way to condense dog, but peltier modules are extremely inefficient, especially for cooling.

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