g3 ibooks that sport the 750fx g3 cpu can be uplocked from 600 to 700mhz (in some cases 800mhz) all via software using a cool hack called icook.
Author: Phillip Torrone120 Articles
Add Rss Feeds To Series 1 And Series 2 Tivos
i’ll be adding an entire section on tivo hacking, but for now, here’s a cool hack to display rss feeds on your series 1/2 tivo. just grab the tivo control station and this hack and you’re good to go.
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Mod A Digital Camera To Automatically Take Pictures
i’ve been fascinated with the idea of taking photos on a timed basis from a car, a pet, a kite, but all the gear and ways to do it were really expensive, plus i just wanted to take tons of photos, not 10 or 20. so using an old digital camera and a $1.50 part from radioshack, i rewired the camera to take shots over and over–mounted it to a car, a kite
Use The Creative Nomad Muvo2 4gb Storage For Other Things
there’s a 4gb hard drive in the creative nomad muvo2, and it’s actually cheaper than a 4gb microdrive, sooooooo
Overclock The Pocket Pc
you can speed up (or slow down) many of the pocket pcs out there, just using software. speeding up things is the obvious fun thing, but if you’re looking to max out your battery life you can throttle the processor back, all from a control panel.
Replace The Ipod Battery
here’s a good step-by-step on replacing the battery on an ipod (2/3 generation) some of the newer batteries last 80% longer, so this is totally worth it if you’re not getting good battery life.
Mod The Keypad And Leds On Phones
you might not have this specific phone, but it’s a good mod to learn from if you plan to hack up your current handset. for $10 you can get some super-bright leds (of whatever color) and practically make a new phone. you’d think handset makers would start offering light-brite style phones by now huh?