A picture showing acupuncture needles wedged into the inside of the payment terminal

Aaron Christophel Brings DOOM To Payment Terminal

Payment terminals might feel intimidating — they’re generally manufactured with security in mind, with all manner of anti-tamper protections in place to prevent you from poking around in the hardware too much. But [Aaron Christophel] thinks that level of security isn’t aren’t always in practice however, and on his journey towards repurposing devices of all kinds, has stumbled upon just the terminal that will give up its secrets easily. The device in question is Sumup Solo terminal, a small handheld with a battery, LTE connection and a payment card slot – helping you accept card payments even if you’re on the go.

Now, this terminal has security features like the anti-tamper shield over the crucial parts of the device, leading to payment processing-related keys being erased when lifted. However, acupuncture needles, a tool firmly in [Aaron]’s arsenal, helped him reach two UART testpoints that were meant to be located under that shield, and they turned out to be all that a hacker needed to access the Linux system powering this terminal. Not just that, but the UART drops you right into the root shell, which [Aaron] dutifully explored — and after some cross–compilation and Linux tinkering, he got the terminal to, naturally, run Doom.

The video shows you even more, including the responsible disclosure process that he went through with Sumup, resulting in some patches and, we hope, even hardware improvements down the line. Now, the payment processing keys aren’t accessible from the Linux environment — however, [Aaron] notes that this doesn’t exclude attacks like changing the amount of money displayed while the customer is using such a terminal to pay.

If you’d like to take a closer look at some of the hardware tricks used in these secure devices, we did a teardown on one back in 2019 that should prove interesting.

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Expired Certificate Causes German Payment Meltdown

For most Hackaday readers the process of buying groceries this weekend has been a relatively painless one, however we’re guessing some of our German friends will have found their cards unexpectedly declined. The reason? A popular model of payment card terminal, the Verifone H5000, has suffered what has been described as a “software malfunction”. So exactly what has happened? The answer is as simple as it is unfortunate: a security certificate for German transaction processing stored on the device has expired.

The full story exposes the flaws in assuming that a payment terminal is an appliance rather than a computer and its associated software that needs updating like any other. The H5000 is an old terminal that ceased production back in the last decade and has reached end-of-life, however it has remained in use and perhaps more seriously, remained in the supply chain to merchants buying a terminal. With updates requiring a site visit rather than an over-the-air upgrade, it’s likely that the effects of this mess could last a while.

In case the hardware for this type of equipment interests you, we’ve had a teardown on another Verifone terminal in the past.