[Alexander Lash] gave a short overview of what you need to unlock a CDMA phone. He strongly recommended Howard Forums for finding most of the info you need. You’ll probably need BitPim and the Qualcomm PST (product support tools). Using the PST you can flash your new carrier’s firmware and then activate the phone on their network.
Verizon offers two ways to get unlimited EVDO data. $59 for a data plan or $15 for VCast. You’re not supposed to be able to use your VCast phone as an EVDO modem and it sends a different network access identifier (NAI) if you tether the phone. Using the PST you can change the NAI and use the cheaper VCast plan for data access. Here is a forum post detailing the process.
what is that a picture of?
I can say that hacktherazr.com has some of the software hot linked on their site. They also cover the VZW -> ATL conversion if you want you phone to have more features then what Verizon gives you.
Looking through the forum i came across the fact that the 1x data transfer can also be used for the hack. the 1x transfer @ 14.7 kb/s. could be set up to just use your minuits instead of requiring a subscription to v-cast or evo 15$ and 40 respectivly.
This is also true, but EV-DO without a data plan is charged as airtime minutes, just like 1xRTT. It’s just trickier to enable.
I’ll add that to the slides, which I’ll post Real Soon Now (TM). :)
Gotta love HowardForums. I joined to crack my Moto W385 when I realized my model no longer supported the P2K protocol. I ended up just having to use Moto Phone Tools to crack it, but they still have tons of great info on opening phones that aren’t supposed to be :-3
the vpack evdo can also be achieved through certain modifications to lg phone’s “secret” service menus.
In my url i have put a full guide how to unlock cdma.
classicfwp829 reliance cdma set unlocking coad
Samsung Messenger SCH R450
Is there ANY program that will allow me to read and write to the operating system files? Is there any way to edit or upgrade the firmware, or install 3rd party apps? Please help.