[Jose] thinks that the Little Sound DJ is too expensive and hard to find. Now he’s trying to build an inexpensive USB programmable GameBoy cartridge. Currently he’s working with a LPC2148 development board. It’s not quite clear where he’s going with this. He certainly wants to add USB programming, but it seems that he’s trying to hack a mp3 decoder in there as well. [update: yes, I know how to spell cartridge!]
12 thoughts on “USB Gameboy Cartridge Project”
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I’ve built a couple of GB carts for development, but they were all EPROM based (not EEPROM, EPROM). Combined with a little logic, I could make the thing scroll down whatever image I wanted, then flip to the official Nintendo logo for checksumming. :-) Not my idea, but I improved upon it a little. There are some other dev kits around too that will let you take a GBA and do robotics projects with it.
when complete, this will revitalize the Gameboy scene (again). No more fretting over the unreliable EMS Transferer or Smart Cart. Can’t wait…
Cartridge: C-A-R-T-R-I-D-G-E. Cartridge.
douche: d-o-u-c-h-e. douche
Informated Article… Appreciated!
So, does this mean my GameJack is worth thousands now? :)
What’d be cooler is rewriting some firmware and using a color LCD with a back light.
which never worked via tranfer cable. isnt worth much. wish i could have gotten mine working
If someone makes this he can make big bucks.
Deutche? D-E-U-T-C-H-E Deutche (German in German :P)
deutche? actually it is “Deutsch”.