[DJ Sures], who built the autonomous Wall-E, is back with another creation. His new autonomous Cookie Monster is certainly an interesting build. He had the cookie monster plush toy already so the first step was to flay the blue beast and insert a skeleton. He used another robot for that. There are two servos for the wheels plus one for each arm and one for the neck. There’s a distance sensor in the mouth. He built a custom board for the PIC18F4685 microcontroller which is running the same 2D mapping code as his previous bot. Check out the video of it in action below.
I, for one, welcome our cookie-eating, fun-loving, hug-wanting, kid-friendly, 2D mapping robot overlords.
Who doesn’t love Cookie Monster? There is no bad here.
I claim the first Godwin reference. First video showing Cookie Monster moving has him throwing up his arm and lock step marching :O
Candidate for US military contract?
Cannon Fodder!
shame these items are not out for Christmas. There must be thousands of BIG KIDS who would love them.
Dam its a shame i cnt do stuff like this :( well hey thats just awesome XD
out of curiosity (im way too lol) i wonder how long it took