[Epoch] Sent in this simple head tracking project using Lego pieces. He’s made a custom mount to hold 3 Lego light sensors on a baseball cap. Then, after modifying his webcam for IR with some floppy disk scraps, he loads up the free-track software and can control his games. For convenience, he has programmed the Lego Nxt to only turn on the lights while he’s holding a contact sensor. You can see it in action after the break. This appears to be very similar to [Johnny Lee’s] head tracking. Judging by the video, it’s not as smooth though.
Impressive work , Congratulation !
-1 cool point
were the legos really necessary?
What? If anything, the Lego bricks make the project even cooler.
Lego is not necessary at all, you can rig this with 3 infrared LEDs, and a battery pack from radio-shack, and it wouldn’t require $200 Lego Robotics kit. It must be an April’s fool joke.
+2. 1 to negate your -1 and 1 just because like bacon makes anything you eat better, all hacks are better hacks when you use legos.
-1,000,000,000 for the legos. has hack a day been hit by the recession?? judging by this post hey must have…
Legos >= any other platform.
If you can do it, good for you.
If you can do it with lego mindstorms, even better.
Yes it’s very easy to build a cheaper one,
you can have a look here:
I just uploaded some photos of my previous prototype.
Troppo Tosto!!!
ePock Forever!!!
I think this is unique in that there’s really nobody that wants to be seen with this at all on this planet. (I assume the inventor HAD to though) :)
ahahahahahahah … true!