Looking for a quick fun little project you can do for next to nothing? Why not make your own matchstick/toothpick launcher!
[Grant Thompson] the [King of Random] is at it again with another fun project that anyone can do — we just hope you’re responsible with it! All you need is some clothespins, a utility knife, and some form of munition — we like the flaming matches!
By cutting a few grooves into the clothespin, gluing it back together and re-configuring the spring layout, you can make a formidable mini-gun that can shoot upwards of 20 feet. Using a pointy toothpick it will skewer innocent fruits quite effectively too!
To see it in action and to learn how to make one yourself, stick around after the break.
[Grant] can’t take all the credit for it though, as it was originally inspired by [Samarai’s] Instructable the Clothespin Gun, which also has some neat ideas about modifications!
Next big thing in american prisons.
I’m blown away by the simplicity. I’m also going to try this with some strike-anywhere matches. }:)
I did this when I was a kid in the 70s. There is a *much* simpler version that ignites the match while it is being launched. Takes less than a minute to make and requires only one simple notch cut. I’m sure you can find plans on the interwebz. Unfortunately, most modern strike-anywhere matches contain so little of the strike-anywhere material that this no longer works reliably.
this has been around for ever.
I also remember it, but what about the people that havent? I havent seen anything about this in more than 5 years, but there ought to be some people on this site that havent heard of it yet
I don’t know about forever, but I made these as a preteen and I’m 54.
Great, now we can ban these too for being a fire arm!
Luckily it wasn’t 3D printed, so there will be no moral outrage.
You are confusing ethical objections with moral outrage…
Shit.. now I don’t know if I should make an ethical objection or be morally outraged…
oh just wait till both the tsa and nsa find out about this. no more cloths pins on airplanes for you plus a 3 day waiting period, maybe even a national registry for those trying to buy cloths pins……
Don’t worry, the clothespin lobby will throw so much money at Congress and the media to push FUD about an “anti-clothespin agenda” that nothing will ever happen. (Well, clothespin sales will skyrocket in the mass hysteria, netting the clothespin lobby even more money, but other than that…)
Gosh, if they take my clothespins from me, I just won’t be able to fly anymore…
I like the rubber band version better, where you cut a small notch in the match and stretch a rubber band in such a way that the match stays in the grip of the clothespin until it is opened.
I stumbled on this the other day from a link off thingiverse.. it looks like someone put some effort and made a 3D printable version of this.. and some of he remixes that use the same clothespin spring are pretty good.
hehe Things you wouldn’t want me to know about, or would be frightened to find I did know about.
Get the Book:
“Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction” There are 4 Parts of it:
It seems that making these mini WMD’s require eating quite a lot of popsicles. (c:
No doubt that buying large quantities of popsicles, rubber bands and cloths pins, you’ll stick out like a sore thumb on the NSA mainframe.
I made one of these after i saw it on instructables! Quite satisfying for some reason.
If you’re going to post KoR stuff post his cool things like the scariac or his buzz box. this honestly kind of insults him in my opinion.
Неужели стрелялку из прищепки изобрели?! Помнится, в школьные годы мы такие точно делали – дай бог памяти, в 1978 году вроде как…
Of course they were in wide use in Russia ten years before they were “invented” by capitalist technology thieves.