If you own a quadcopter chances are you own more than one. It’s kind of an addictive thing in that way. So dig out that dinged up model and build something awesome around it. We’d suggest making it look exactly like a Millenium Falcon. Okay, to be fair this is built around a custom quadcopter originally designed to carry a camera and GPS but removed for this project. We’re not sure if stock models have enough extra umph to lift a fancy fuselage like this (maybe you’ll weigh in on that in the comments?).
As with any great build this started with a scale drawing. The drawing was printed for use as a cutting template for the expanded polystyrene. Part of what makes it look so fantastic is that the fuselage isn’t 2-dimensional. There is depth in the places that matter and that’s all because of near-mythical foam cutting/shaping skills on [Olivier’s] part.
Final touches are LEDs on front and to simulate the curved engine on the tail. You can almost see this thing picking up a handless [Luke] below Bespin’s floating city. This Falcon flies like… a quadcopter (what did you expect? The Kessel Run in 12 parsecs?), which you can see in the videos after the break. The second clip shows how easy it is to remove the foam body from the quad frame, yet another nice touch!
Of course if Star Wars isn’t your thing you can give trolling the skies as a flying body a shot.
[via Reddit]
Agreed this is really great, it belongs here.
(maybe you’ll weigh in on that in the comments?)
Given enough time the quad could well do The Kessel Run in 12 parsecs ;)
Kessel Run in 12 parsecs…
Why does that phrase still piss me off after over 30 years?
Tell us about it!
Don’t worry, i’m sure he’ll get around to explaining it next lightyear *ducks*
Because it STILL is oh-so-wrong.
It’s correct. Solo did the run in under 12 parsecs (distance as opposed to time units) because the Falcon is capable of running closer to the Maw black hole cluster. The Kessel run is usually 18 parsecs in length.
Here is a computer simulation of the that great achievement (this is where my mind goes when I hear/see Parsec):
That’s transparent retconning of a clear-cut mistake and everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows it. It’s a lame explanation, and the line absolutely deserves continued mockery.
Actually, IIRC the original script had Obi Wan raise an eyebrow or something after Han said that line. Basically, he was talking out of his ass and Obi Wan knew it. So not an error by the writers, but an error by the character
Oh and did they think of putting taut cheesecloth over the top inlets to the propellers to give it a more “solid” look?
sigh… the level of this blog nowadays.
next up: guy apinst his screwdriver red!
you are allowed to use this comment in a blog post.
“guy hacks blog that don’t allow edits with an asterisk”
This thing needs some aft thrusters.
I had a poor Uni buddy that used to drink ALOT of Kesslers, but it didn’t seem to make him want to run.
2015 02 02 fpv | | | | | | | | | | | 2015 02 02 fpv | | | | View on youtu.be | Preview by Yahoo | | | | |
Eachines H108C quadcopter ($40 on Banggood.com) with stock HD camera and micro-sd recorder removed and tx5813 video transmitter ($8) and 120deg fov cmos camera ($30) installed, along with extra 150mAh battery ($4). Flown using Quanum DIY FPV goggles ($40) and recorded with cheap chinese inline dvr ($30).
More details please! I saw your video on youtube and it looks pretty good considering how cheap the kit was. In particular, what receiver did you use for the video feed?
Two L’s, two N’s.Millennium.
And a missing space.
Thanks for this great Impression!