Tetris was a breakout hit when it was released for the Nintendo Game Boy in 1989, in much the same way that Breakout was a breakout hit in arcades in 1976. Despite this, gamers of today expect a little more than a tiny monochrome LCD with severe motion blur problems. Enter the LED Tetris build from [Electronoobs].
The build relies on a hacker favourite, the WS2812B LED string. The LEDs are set up in a 8×16 matrix to create the familiar Tetris playfield. Buttons and a joystick are then installed on the front panel to allow the player to control the action. An Arduino Mega runs the show, with a DFPlayer used to play the famous theme music as the cherry on top.
It’s a fun build that would be an awesome addition to any hacker’s coffee table. Big glowing LEDs make everything better, after all – this ping-pong ball display is a great example of the form. Video after the break.
Nice !
Next step : hack it to play Doom.
Pretty sure the Tetris playfield is x10 not x8
Have you seen https://github.com/NemiahUK/pxltbl ?
It’s an open source platform that allows you to quickly code your own games / apps for a home made pixel table in node.js
It runs off a RasPi + Arduino and there’s loads of cool demos and sounds already included.
It’s not entirely finished yet but it’s good enough to build some pretty cool games, I’ve been trying to find people who would be interested in working on the project together.