We think [Michelle]’s sound-reactive rib cage lamp turned out great, and the photos and details around how it was made are equally fantastic. The lamp is made of carved and waxed wood, and inside is a bundle of LED lighting capable of a variety of different color palettes and patterns, including the ability to react to sound. Every rib cage should have a party mode, after all.

Turns out that designing good rib cage pieces is a bigger challenge than one might think. [Michelle]’s method was to use an anatomical 3D model as reference, tracing each piece so that it could be cut from a flat sheet of wood.
The resulting flat pieces then get assembled into a stack, with each rib pointed downward at a roughly 20 degree angle. This process is a neat hack in itself: instead of drilling holes all at exactly the same angle, [Michelle] simply made the holes twice the diameter of the steel rod they stack on. The result? The pieces angle downward on their own.
The LED lighting is itself a nice piece of work. The basic structure comes from soldered solid-core wire. The RGB LED strip gets wound around that, then reinforced with garden wire. The result is an atomic-looking structure that sits inside the rib cage. An ESP32 development board drives everything with the FastLED library.
Code for everything, including the sound-reactive worky bits, which rely on an INMP441 I2C microphone module is all available on GitHub. And if you want to make your own sound-reactive art, make sure to check out these arms as well.
Want to see the rib cage in action? A short demo video is embedded below that demonstrates the sound reactivity. Equally applicable to either party or relaxation modes, we think.
But there’s no sternum… other than that, it’s cool.
Sternum? I don’t even know ’em
Funny you should say that, because the creator did have a sternum planned (along with more ribs to total the correct number, you noticed that too I’m sure) but left them out for the best reason imaginable: upon assembly and testing, the lamp simply looked better without them.
Wow! Made of wood, not 3D printed.
Well that’s neat and all but I already have stuff in my rib cage.
Once that party starts it seems we cant be sober, I wonder why?
Would have been even cooler in my opinion, if he made it look like an arc reactor. Not that this isn’t absolutely amazing by itself. The work done is incredible.