Player Ukulele Pulls Your Strings

Automated musical instruments aren’t a new idea. From water chimes to player pianos, they’ve been around for a while. But we can’t remember the last time we saw a player ukulele. [Zeroshot] shows us one, though, and it uses an Arduino. You can see and hear it in the video below.

Honestly, with all the stepper motors, linear rails, and belts, we thought it looked like a 3D printer, at least up at the business end. [Zeroshot] thought it would be easier to build a robot than to actually learn to play the instrument. We aren’t sure we agree.

The first problem was automating both picking strings and strumming. Then, you needed a way to press down on the strings at each fret. Solenoids can act like your fingers. With the mechanics in place, it is all software, right? There were quite a few unexpected little hardware wrinkles.

The solenoids don’t move along the fretboard, so it limits the range a bit. Also, the mechanical noises sometimes seem to drown out the instrument, but it does work. Kind of. We don’t think we are going to see AI buskers anytime soon.

Don’t have a ukulele? Do you have a GameBoy? If you are building an automated ukulele, you might as well add LEDs.

6 thoughts on “Player Ukulele Pulls Your Strings

  1. All I can say is that now that you have released this video, you best be prepared for the response when the music industry floods you with contract offers. This is nothing less than revolutionary. Well done!

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