Hackaday Podcast Episode 313: Capacitor Plague, Wireless Power, And Tiny Everything

We’re firmly in Europe this week on the Hackaday podcast, as Elliot Williams and Jenny List are freshly returned from Berlin and Hackaday Europe. A few days of mingling with the Hackaday community, going through mild panic over badges and SAOs, and enjoying the unique atmosphere of that city.

After discussing the weekend’s festivities we dive right into the hacks, touching on the coolest of thermal cameras, wildly inefficient but very entertaining wireless power transfer, and a restrospective on the capacitor plague from the early 2000s. Was it industrial espionage gone wrong, or something else? We also take a moment to consider spring PCB cnnectors, as used by both one of the Hackaday Europe SAOs, and a rather neat PCB resistance decade box, before looking at a tryly astounding PCB blinky that sets a new miniaturisation standard.

In our quick roundup the standouts are a 1970s British kit synthesiser and an emulated 6502 system written in shell script, and in the can’t-miss section we look at a new contender fro the smallest microcontroller, and the posibility that a century of waste coal ash may conceal a fortune in rare earth elements.

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Hackaday Podcast Episode 312: Heart Attacks, The Speed Of Light, And Self-balancing

Elliot does the podcast on the road to Supercon Europe, and Al is in the mood for math and nostalgia this week. Listen in and find out what they were reading on Hackaday this week.

The guys talked about the ESP-32 non-backdoor and battery fires. Then it was on to the hacks.

Self-balancing robots and satellite imaging were the appetizers, but soon they moved on to Kinect cameras in the modern day. Think you can’t travel at the speed of light? Turns out that maybe you already are.

Did you know there was a chatbot in 1957? Well, sort of. For the can’t miss stories: watches monitor your heart and what does the number e really mean?

Check out the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!

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Hackaday Podcast Episode 311: AirTag Hack, GPS Rollover, And A Flat-Pack Toaster

This week, Elliot Williams and Tom Nardi start off the episode by announcing Arduino co-founder David Cuartielles will be taking the stage as the keynote speaker at Hackaday Europe. In his talk, we’ll hear about a vision of the future where consumer electronics can be tossed in the garden and turned into compost instead of sitting in a landfill for the next 1,000 years or so.

You’ll also hear about a particularly clever manipulation of Apple’s AirTag infrastructure, how a classic kid’s toy was turned into a unique display with the help of computer vision, and the workarounds required to keep older Global Positioning System (GPS) hardware up and running. They’ll also cover DIY toasters, extracting your data from a smart ring before the manufacturer can sell it, a LEGO interferometer, and a new feature added to the Bus Pirate 5’s already impressive list of capabilities.

Capping off the episode there’s a discussion about the surprising (or depending on how you think about it, unsurprising) amount of hardware that was on display at FOSDEM this year, and the history of one of man’s most infernal creations, the shopping cart wheel lock.

Check out the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!

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Hackaday Podcast Episode 310: Cyanotypes, Cyberdecks, And The Compass CNC

This week, Hackaday’s Elliot Williams and Kristina Panos met up in a secret location with snacks to bring you the latest news, mystery sound, and of course, a big bunch of hacks from the previous week.

First up in the news, and there’s a lot of it: we announced the Hackaday Europe 2025 workshops and a few more speakers, though the big keynote announcement is still to come. In case you missed it, KiCad 9 moved up into the pro league, and finally, we’re hiring, so come join us in the dungeon.

On What’s That Sound, Kristina didn’t get close at all, but at least had a guess this time. That’s okay, though, because nobody got it right! We’re still giving a t-shirt away to [Dakota], though, probably because Elliot has a thing for using random number generators.

Then it’s on to the hacks and such beginning with a beautiful handheld compass CNC and cyanotype prints made with resin printer’s UV light. After that, we take a look at open-source random numbers, a 3D-printed instant camera, and a couple of really cool cyberdecks. Finally, we discuss whether DOOM is doomed as the port of choice in this day and age, and kvetch about keyboards.

Check out the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!

Download in DRM-free MP3 and savor at your leisure.

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