No Crystal Earpiece? No Problem!

A staple of starting off in electronics ion years past was the crystal set radio, an extremely simple AM radio receiver with little more than a tuned circuit and a point contact diode as its components. Point contact diodes have become difficult to find but can be replaced with a cats whisker type detector, but what about listening to the resulting audio? These circuits require a very high impedance headphone, which was often supplied by a piezoelectric crystal earpiece. [Tsbrownie] takes a moment to build a replacement for this increasingly hard to find part.

It shouldn’t have come as a surprise, but we were still slightly taken aback to discover that inside these earpieces lies the ubiquitous piezoelectric buzzer element. Thus given a 3D-printed shell to replace the one on the original, it’s a relatively simple task to twist up a set of wires and solder them on. The result is given a test, and found to perform just as well as the real thing, in fact a little louder.

In one sense this is such a simple job, but in another it opens up something non-obvious for anyone who needs a high impedance earpiece. The days of the crystal radios and rudimentary transistor hearing aids these parts were once the main target for may both have passed, but just in case there’s any need for one elsewhere, now we can fill it. Take a look at the video, below the break.

Fancy trying a crystal radio? We’ve got you covered.

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Cheap DIY High Impedance Earphones

Crystal radios can feel magical, given their ability to tune in audio from distant stations with nothing but the energy from the radio signal itself. However, to achieve this feat, they typically rely on a high-impedance earphone to produce an audible sound with very little current. These earphones are hard to find, and thus can be expensive. However, [Billy] figured out a way to build them on the cheap. 

The build starts with a common piezoelectric buzzer. It’s torn down and the extraneous circuitry inside is removed. The piezo element itself is then directly hooked up to a mono audio jack for use with one of [Billy’s] crystal radios. To make it into a usable earpiece, the tip of a pen is cut off and glued to the buzzer’s plastic housing. Then, a rubber in-ear cup from regular modern earbuds is used to ensure a tight, comfortable fit in the ear.

It’s a great way to build something that’s now hard to source, and we bet that [Billy’s] design is more comfortable than the hard plastic models that shipped in Radio Shack kits in the 90s. Of course, there’s other ways to build high-impedance drivers, as we’ve featured before. And, if you’re looking to build a crystal radio, it’s hard to go past [Billy’s] credit card chip build. Video after the break.

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Repairing Crystal Earpieces

If you make crystal radios, you’ve probably got a few crystal earpieces. The name similarity is a bit coincidental. The crystal in a crystal radio was a rectifier (most often, these days, a germanium diode, which is, a type of crystal). The crystal in a crystal earpiece is a piezoelectric sound transducer.

Back in the 1960s, these were fairly common in cheap transistor radios and hearing aids. Their sound fidelity isn’t very good, but they are very sensitive and have a fairly high impedance, and that’s why they are good for crystal radios.

[Steve1001] had a few of these inexpensive earpieces that either didn’t work or had low sound output. He found the root cause was usually a simple problem and shares how to fix them without much trouble.

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