Five Plugins And Tips To Secure Your WordPress Blog

How do you protect your own blog from getting hacked? There’s never a foolproof answer, but with some added tools and caution, you can make your website a little safer from getting into harm’s way. Cats Who Code has five plug-ins and tips you can use to protect your WordPress install. Some of the tips are common sense advice that can apply to anything related to technology – such as making backups often and using strong passwords. Others include suggested plugins that can help you verify whether your WordPress install has any security holes, or small tricks to hide the version of WordPress you’re using. Do you have any useful plugins or tricks to share to keep your blog safe from hackers?

[via Digg]

3 thoughts on “Five Plugins And Tips To Secure Your WordPress Blog

  1. not the typical h.a.d. fare but very helpful considering I run several WP blogs… while I haven’t read the article yet the most valuable pluging I’ve ever used is WP-DBManager you can set it to automatically backup your WP database, I have it backup files daily to the a different webserver automatically deleting backup files more than 2 weeks old. Then once a week it emails the latest backup to a gmail account for redundancy.

    best part is, I can manage all of the backup stuff right through the WP admin panel, and I can even set it up to manage the backup of other databases as well..

    I’ve also been hacked once before so I’m a whole lot more cautious than most I suspect.

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