VIA, the Taiwan-based supplier of chipsets and low power processors, showed off its latest creations at the Taipei International Robot Show. The Lynxmotion Johnny 5 kit, based on the robot from the animated film Short Circuit, is powered by the compact VIA EPIA P700 board, and aimed at beginner robotic hobbyists. VIA claimed that its use of the latest board allows for much easier software development. VIA also showcased the Mini-ITX powered Vecna Battlefield Extraction-Assist Robot (or BEAR), a cuddly-looking robot with potential uses in military and rescue operations.
[via Engadget]
“Animated”? Whippersnapper!
Short Circuit was not animated. Check IMDB.
Johnny #5 is ALWAYS alive…
Animated seriously?
But short circuit was never animated… C’mon we all know you guys have a copy laying around somewhere.