PandaLabs has identified a botnet running a malware campaign impersonating president-elect Obama’s website. The front page of the site features a sensational story titled “Barack Obama has refused to be a president”. Clicking the link will download the malware and make the target’s machine part of the botnet. They’re using fast-flux to assign the malicious domains to the massive number of compromised nodes that are hosting the actual site. The team has contacted the domain name registrar in China to get the domains removed. Using a sensational headline is not new to malware; it’s how the Storm Worm got its name.
[via lithium]
I wonder how many people attempted to visit the sites marked “Please do not attempt to visit the sites.” lol. I did…in BT3.
At least have your monthly bit of security when you use windows, please, would you?
First if you believe that link I think you deserve it…
I wish that link were true…
How fitting, a worm in the image of a worm.
@hz i did the same, using arch lol.
great, all the republidroids are coming out of the woodwork…
There are more of us than you realize…
Wow. For a second there I thought I was reading articles on Hackaday. My RSS feed must have got mixed up with the BBC Tech news one.
“conservative” can no longer be equated with “republican”, at least not in any sane way
are you a “classic” republican or a modern republican? if you’re the latter, gtfo please
great, all the republidroids are coming out of the woodwork…
great all the obamabots are coming out of the sewers…
time to join obmas botnet….