Brain Controlled Fluid Simulation

[vimeo 3157584]

Here’s another video demo of [Eric]’s Besmoke interactive fluid simulation that we covered earlier. It was put together for the BIL Conference last weekend. This time around he’s strapped the iPhone to his head (complying with California’s handsfree laws). To make things interesting, he’s also added OCZ’s Neural Impulse Actuator to provide brainwave input.

18 thoughts on “Brain Controlled Fluid Simulation

  1. I’m going to write a synth app to play a distorted audio sample on a DS, hook it up to a bluetooth audio transmitter, connect a receiver to a bigass sound system, strap the DS to my forehead, and play the thing by drawing on the touchscreen with my tongue, while I dance. That might make me hackaday-worthy.

    Okay, to be fair, the video wasn’t too bad, and I kind of liked the music.

  2. Song is cool. Navier-stokes is so 20th century. I want one of those mind activity input thingies though! Can they do anything more than “thinking really hard”/”not thinking” yet?

  3. @tim

    Not unless you practice hard. I’ve read a few reviews and though it’s supposed to be able to detect eye movement and actual brainwave fluctuations rather than just the tensing and relaxing of facial muscles, as shown here, you need to practice every day for a long long time.
    I still want one.

  4. @queeg

    Awesome, thanks!

    actually, the NIA doesn’t work by thinking really hard. IIRC, you have to calibrate it by moving certain body parts so that it recognizes the signal for moving that part. for example, if you wanted to, say, make it send the signal equivalent to the W key on a keyboard, you could tilt your head forward. Thats why the guy in the video was dancing around like that, he had calibrated the NIA to react to those signals

  5. Hmmm, if you could hook that to a monitoring system with a little more juice/ wasn’t easily available on the market for silly silly gamers you could probably do better.

    That being said, I’d like to see it used during sleep.

  6. I don’t think the OCZ/NIA is using much brain wave activity. For one it is very difficult to get a good EEG even when you are sitting still. Also the positioning of the electrodes isn’t quite where you want to pick up good EEG signals. You can monitor some frontal lobe activity but not anything very significant. The SMR strip that runs from one ear to another over the top of the head. Electromyogram and electrooculogram are not brain wave sampling techniques. They are only the electrical activity of the muscles surrounding the eyes. This is notoriously difficult to control consciously. The OpenEEG project is something I’d like to see wired into this. Overall a neat hack but mistitled.

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