Recently there’s been a increase in the popularity of OpenSCAD as the tool of choice in the 3d printing community. [Gavilan Steinman] is putting out a series of webTV shorts on the use of OpenSCAD. While it lacks a lot of the features of big CAD suits (such as the ability to generate drawings of your parts), the community has proven it’s effectiveness as a design tool. There are only two episodes out so far but they cover OpenSCAD, mathcast, 3d printing, and a really neat robot design. Watch them below.
ok, im not much of a programmer, but i would have made that servo a heck a way faster using a mouse driven modeling software. (like solid works or something) Also less mind tricks.. (for me)
strange that the 1st episode was Feb 27. Second was Mar 6 … now its June 3… Almost looks to me like he lost interest in the series …
Anywho interesting stuff. I will be downloading openSCAD tonight!
The big draw to OpenSCAD is that it makes changing a few parameters ad getting a new version very easy; a good thing if you want to share your design with folks that might not have exactly the same parts you do.
@Regulus: Most “mouse-based” CAD-packages out there can use variables as well, you don’t always have to create fixed models.
@topic: Nice, I like the more “programming” like aspect of OpenSCAD, gonna take a look for sure.
OpenSCAD looks too much like Matlab (which I love the features but hate the UI). Why not try the free Creo Elements/Direct Personal Edition. It is WAY easier to use once you get the hang of it.
Works similar to Google Sketchup, but has better dimensioning and you can create drawings.
OpenSCAD is the ultimate parametric design tool. The dimensions can be changed on the fly. I think this is the benefits over Solidworks/Creo Element/Autodesk 123D, though not as intuitive.
I’ve been using Soldworks for many years, but it is tooooo expensive that I cannot afford installation on my own computer. OpenSCAD and Autodesk 123D are very good alternatives, as they are free.
Hope that one day a mouse-driven front end can be developed upon OpenSCAD.
I like to code more than I like to mouse too…which is why I don’t get why OpenSCAD has such a terrible editor. Let me embed emacs in there!