Hackaday editors Mike Szczys and Elliot Williams round up the latest hardware hacks. This week we check out the latest dead-simple automation — a wire cutting stripping robot that uses standard bypass strippers. Put on your rocket scientist hat and watch what happens in a 3D-printed rocket combustion chamber. Really small robots are so easy to love, this micromouse is the size of a coin. And whatever happened to those drone sightings at airports? We talk about all that, and round up the episode with Hyperloop, and Xiaomi thermometers.
Take a look at the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!
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Episode 097 Show Notes:
New This Week:

- Elliot’s adding axes to his hot-wire cutter, waiting for parts is lousy.
Interesting Hacks of the Week:
- An Epic Quest For A Motorized Volume Knob
- This Automated Wire Prep Machine Cuts And Strips The Wire
- SLA 3D Printed Vortex Cooled Rocket Engine
- Food Safe Printing Techniques
- These Micro Mice Have Macro Control
- The Gatwick Drone: Finally Someone Who Isn’t Us Asks Whether It Ever Really Existed
Quick Hacks:
- Mike’s Picks:
- Elliot’s Picks:
I really enjoyed the article this week on the Xiaomi thermometers. That’s right at the core of what I consider to be Hackaday and a key reason I read the site everyday. Thanks for the job you two do.
A hacky-hack indeed.
Thanks for reading!
Is there a spring on the wire to allow for the axis to move individually?