One of the nicest problems to have with a split keyboard, even a monoblock split, is deciding what to put in the middle. Most people go for either the mouse, or else their beverage of choice. Some might sub in a bowl of snacks later on in the day. Personally, we most often use the space for holding notes.
[AlSaMoMo] went with the mouse, but decided to make it a permanent installation. They planted a trackball in the middle of Batreeq, their awesome little monoblock split. For a while now, [AlSaMoMo] has been using 30-key ‘boards and wanted to see about integrating a trackball. Not only that, Batreeq has a fun-looking scroll ring and haptic feedback. Plus, it just looks fantastic.
Even though Batreeq is vaguely bat-shaped, the word translates to ‘penguin’, which, on second glance, the keyboard does appear a bit villainous. But fear not, Batreeq’s PCB is open source, as are all of [AlSaMoMo]’s keyboards.
Want to have more space between your hands? Check out this split that uses VGA connections.
Via KBD #103
Neat. I just got my ZSA Moonlander and are starting to test out alternate layouts. I have no idea how you’d get by with only 30 keys, but I’m intrigued. Will need to work on my own layout to use layers better.
What do you rest your palm on when using the trackball without triggering some keys?
I don’t rest my palms on anything while typing, I hover.
Learning to hover has been the best thing I have done for my wrists.
You can find a visual to my keymap here:
I’ve been making this trackball design, 3D printed based on an adafruit sense board. There’s scope for reducing the size a bit by using a separate fusion sensor and a wemos mini – but that’s not to say there is actually anything wrong with the default size.
Have you seen this board?
Tiny nrf with onboard IMU
Have you seen the Seeed XIAO BLE Sense? It’s a tiny nrf52840 with onboard IMU. Also has a mic, which maybe could be useful for turning taps into clicks or something.
Thanks for the tip, Mike. On order!
First thought: DHD from Stargate
Very cool, but I had to drop my thumb trackball because of tendon pain. I’m getting a twinge just looking at the location of the trackball.
This trackball is intended to be used by index and middle fingers, to avoid thumb issues. I also have issues when using thumb trackball long term.
The thumb is supposed to tap the mouse keys (the 4 keys below the trackball)