Well, it was bound to happen at some point. [sporewoh]’s bunchiez40 keyboard for ants is made of mouse switches, which of course begs for a mouse made of keyboard switches.
If you want to build a bunchiez40, everything is available on GitHub, including the CAD files for that lovely anodized aluminium case. The typing video is coming soon, and I’m taking bets on whether it’s as quiet as a mouse, as one redditor joked.
A Biblically-Accurate Keyboard
By the way, this devilish thing isn’t a keyboard at all, as in, it’s not an input, at least not yet. It’s basically a fidget toy, and although it has linears (eww!) at the moment, it will soon have greens or maybe box navy switches.
You know, I think I need one of these to adorn my desk, and definitely in a clicky version. Fortunately, [hllhvnd] plans to make the STLs available in the near future.
The Centerfold: A Turn At the Tern
The main differences are support for an on/off switch, a JST battery connector, and a XIAO BLE battery pogo pin. The Tern BLE also has tighter switch holes, so no plate is necessary. Everything you need to spin a Tern BLE is available in the GitLab.
Do you rock a sweet set of peripherals on a screamin’ desk pad? Send me a picture along with your handle and all the gory details, and you could be featured here!
Historical Clackers: A Grand Collection Indeed

No matter what my husband says, I really don’t have that many typewriters in my collection. But you know who does? [Martin Howard] of the Antique Typewriters website, where I pull a large percentage of the Historical Clackers that adorn these pages.
[Martin]’s collection is focused on machines from the 1880s and 90s, before the typewriter really became standardized. Be sure to explore the dozens of different typewriter and index typewriter designs, which range from wild to beautiful to both at once.
In addition to buying and selling typewriters, [Martin] also does restoration and repair, displays his collection at events and exhibits, and even loans machines out for film, television, and theater. And keep a lookout for [Martin] in the 2016 film California Typewriter.
ICYMI: Num Pad Reincarnated As Stream Deck
The only problem was that it had a PS/2 connector. Well, and the fact that there is no datasheet for the controller. Determined to make it work, [dj_doughy] took to Discord and was advised to set the thing up to use extended keys (F13-F24) and wire those up as shortcuts in OBS.
Then there was the whole PS/2 thing still. In the end, [dj_doughy] used an Arduino Beetle, which fit perfectly inside the case. Unfortunately there were software issues with double key presses being sent, but there were just a few missing variables.
Got a hot tip that has like, anything to do with keyboards? Help me out by sending in a link or two. Don’t want all the Hackaday scribes to see it? Feel free to email me directly.
I usually enjoy these articles, but the “eww” in response to the switch choice for a non-electronic toy seems super elitest (for no reason). Also, seeing as how the title for the article referenced “biblically-accurate”, it would have only taken a few words to explain. From Grunge: “…According to Ezekiel’s vision, every cherub “had the face of a human being, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle.” So they had 4 faces, one on each side.
It’s more fun to let people jump in the rabbit hole themselves
Maybe, but it’s also much less informative, and less accessible.
Thank you Kristina for your very nice profile of me and my collection. With appreciation, Martin Howard
I like what you did with the text size. Makes it much easier to read!