Clever PCBs Straighten Out The Supercon SAO Badge

When we decided that Simple Add-Ons (SAOs) would be the focus of Supercon 2024, it was clear the badge would need to feature more than just one or two of the requisite connectors. We finally settled on six ports, but figuring out the geometry of getting all those ports on the badge in such a way that the SAOs wouldn’t hit each other was a bit tricky. In early concept drawings the badge was just a big rectangle with the ports along the top, but it was too ugly.

In the end we went with a somewhat organic design — an electronic “flower” with the radially arranged SAOs forming the petals, but this meant that that none of the SAOs were in the traditional vertical orientation. Luckily, [Adrian Studer] designed a couple of PCBs that not only resolve this issue, but add a seventh SAO port for good measure.

In the project repository you’ll find two PCB designs. The first, “SAO Up” is essentially a little arm that turns the SAO port 90 degrees. This doesn’t exactly get them vertical, in fact, whether or not the new orientation is actually an improvement for the top two SAOs is perhaps debatable. But it definitely helps on the lower SAOs, which are essentially upside down in their original configuration.

The real star of the show is “SAO Bridge”, a wavy board that connects across the two midline SAO ports on the Supercon badge and turns it into a set of three (nearly) horizontal connectors across the front. The center port is particularly helpful in that it gives you a place to put unusually wide SAOs.

As a reminder the Supercon SAO badge, and the winners of the 2024 SAO Contest, will be making the trip across the pond for Hackaday Europe in just a few months. That means you’ve still got plenty of time to have a few of these CERN-OHL-P licensed boards made up.

The 2024 Hackaday Supercon SAO Badge Reveal

We’ve been hinting at it for a few months now, running a series of articles on SAOs, then a Supercon Add-On Challenge. We even let on that the badge would have space for multiple SAOs this year, but would you believe six?

Way back in 2017ish, Hackaday’s own [Brian Benchoff] and the [AND!XOR] crew thought it would be funny and useful to create a “standard” for adding small custom PCB art-badges onto bigger conference badges. The idea was to keep it quick and dirty, uncomplicated and hacky, and the “Shitty” Add On was born. The badge community took to this like wildfire. While the community has moved on from the fecal humor, whether you call these little badgelets “SAOs”, “Simple Add-Ons”, or even “Supercon-8 Add Ons”, there’s something here for everyone. So if you’ve already got some SAOs in a drawer, bring them to this year’s Supercon and show them off!

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The JawnCon 0x1 Badge Dials Up A Simpler Time

For hackers of a certain age, the warbling of an analog modem remains something of a siren song. Even if you haven’t heard it in decades, the shrill tones and crunchy static are like a time machine that brings back memories of a bygone era. Alien to modern ears, in the 1980s and 90s, it was the harbinger of unlimited possibilities. An audible reminder that you were about to cross the threshold into cyberspace.

If you can still faintly hear those strangely comforting screeches in the back of your mind, the JawnCon 0x1 badge is for you. With a row of authentic vintage red LEDs and an impeccably designed 3D-printed enclosure, the badge is essentially a scaled-down replica of the Hayes SmartModem. But it doesn’t just look the part — powered by the ESP8266 and the open source RetroWiFiModem project, the badge will allow attendees to connect their modern computers to services from the early Internet via era-appropriate AT commands while they’re at the con.

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Supercon 2024: May The Best Badge Add-Ons Win

One of our favorite parts of Hackaday Supercon is seeing all the incredible badge add-ons folks put together. These expansions are made all the more impressive by the fact that they had to design their hardware without any physical access to the badge, and with only a few weeks’ notice. Even under ideal conditions, that’s not a lot of time to get PCBs made, 3D print parts, or write code. If only there was some standard for badge expansions that could speed this process up…

The SAO Wall at Supercon 2023

But there is! The Simple Add-On (SAO) standard has been supported by the Supercon badges since 2019, and the 2×3 pin connector has also popped up on badges from various other hacker events such as HOPE and DEF CON. There’s only one problem — to date, the majority of SAOs have been simply decorative, consisting of little more than LEDs connected to the power pins.

This year, we’re looking to redefine what an SAO can be with the Supercon Add-On Contest. Don’t worry, we’re not changing anything about the existing standard — the pinout and connector remains the same. We simply want to challenge hackers and makers to think bigger and bolder.

Thanks to the I2C interface in the SAO header, add-ons can not only communicate with the badge, but with each other as well. We want you to put that capability to use by creating functional SAOs: sensors, displays, buttons, switches, rotary encoders, radios, we want to see it all! Just make sure you submit your six-pin masterpiece to us by the October 15th deadline.

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The Electromagnetic Field 2024 Badge Is A Little Different

It’s a problem that faces every designer of an event badge: how to make something that won’t simply become a piece of e-waste once the last attendee has gone home. Various events have had badges with extra sensors, ones designed to be dev boards, and ones that try to do useful software tasks, but this year’s Electromagnetic Field in the UK has a different take. Its badge is designed to be used across multiple events, with the badge itself being a hub for event-specific add-ons.

To achieve this feat, the Tildagon badge is a hexagonal hub with an expansion port on every side. Each of these sports an edge connector, and the corresponding part of the add-on is simply part of the PCB. The ‘hexpansions’ as the add-ons are called, don’t even have to have electronics, at their simplest they can even be cut from a piece of card. The brain of the outfit is an ESP32-C3 sporting a round LCD. Of course, and it has the usual buttons and LEDs.

We applaud the sentiment behind making a badge live beyond the event, and we expect that this won’t be the only take on a reusable badge we’ll see over the coming events. We’re guessing those edge connectors will add to the BoM cost though, which is why this probably will be the first EMF badge for which there will be a modest charge. We look forward to seeing it for real, meanwhile, they also published some technical info alongside the announcement linked above.

Adding Cellular Connectivity To The Hackaday Supercon Badge

Did you manage to make it down to Hackaday Supercon 2023? Maybe you did, and maybe you had a great time hacking away on the badge. [Dan] and ex-Hackaday alumnus [Mike Szczys] certainly did, with the guys from Golioth adding cellular connectivity to the hardware and developing a community art project.

The badge was hooked up over I2C to a Golioth Aludel Mini, which is a prototyping platform featuring a Sparkfun nRF9160 cellular modem. A custom Micropython implementation was compiled for the badge so that the badge could act as an I2C peripheral to be queried by the Aludel Mini. The sketch app on the badge was tweaked to allow the small pictures it created to be be uploaded to a cloud site called Badgecase, programmed in Rust. Amusingly, it turns out the sketch app uses a rectangular workspace, though you only see a circular section of it on the Supercon badge’s awesomely round display.

Much of the hack is happening off-board from the badge itself, but it’s a neat piece of work that shows how easy cellular connectivity is to implement these days. We’ve seen some other great feats with the Vectorscope badge, and it looked great if you happened to 3D print a case for it, too. Video after the break.

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Simple Badge Is Simple, But It’s Yours

Making conference badges, official or unofficial, has become an art form. It can get pretty serious. #badgelife.

But DEFCON-goers aren’t the only people making fancy personalized nametags. Hams often had callsign badges going back as far as I can remember. Most were made of engraved plastic, but, at some point, it became common to put something like a flashing LED on the top of the engraved antenna tower or maybe something blinking Morse code.

Going back to that simpler time, I wanted to see if I could make my own badge out of easily accessible modules. How easy can it be? Let’s find out. Along the way, we’ll talk about multicore programming, critical sections, namespaces, and jamming images into C++ code. I’ll also show you how to hijack the C preprocessor to create a little scripting language to make the badge easier to configure.

Bottom Line Up Front

The photo shows the Pico badge. It has an RP2040 CPU but not a proper Raspberry Pi Pico. The Waveshare RP2040-Plus clone has a battery connector and charger. It also has a reset button, and this one has 16 MB of flash, but you don’t need that much. The LCD is also a Waveshare product. (This just happened to work out. I bought all of this stuff, and I don’t even know anyone at Waveshare.) The only other thing you need is a USB C cable and a battery with an MX 1.25 connector on it with the correct polarity. Hardware done! Time for software.

Continue reading “Simple Badge Is Simple, But It’s Yours”