A New Life For A Conference Badge, Weighing Bees

We love electronic conference badges here at Hackaday, but it’s undeniable that many of them end up gathering dust after the event. Most of them are usable as development boards though, so it’s nice to see them appear in projects from time to time. [Benjamin Blundell] has a good one, he’s using an EMF Camp 2014 badge to power a set of load cells in a bee scale.

Not being skilled in the art of apiary here at Hackaday we’re thankful for his explanation. Beekeepers weigh their hives as a means of gauging their occupancy, and the scale for this purpose has a few application specific features. The EMF 2014 badge (known as the TiLDA MKe) meanwhile is an Arduino Due compatible ARM Cortex M0 board with an LCD display, making it perfect for the job. He devotes quite some time to describing the load cells, mounting them on extrusion, and calibration, all of which should be of use to anyone making a scale.

The software for the badge is an odd mix of Arduino and FreeRTOS, and he takes one of the stock apps and modifies it for the scale. It’s very much a badge of its era, being programmable but not with a built-in interpreter for MicroPython or similar. You can see the whole project at work in the video below the break.

If you’ve not seen a TiLDA MKe before, we wrote about it when it was released.

Continue reading “A New Life For A Conference Badge, Weighing Bees”

Looking Forward To EMF 2024

It’s that time of year again when some parts of our community travel out into the countryside to spend time with each other under canvas in a field somewhere with power and fast internet — it’s hacker camp season. Here in Europe that means it’s the turn of the British hackers to have the year’s large event, in the form of the latest incarnation of Electromagnetic Field. We’ll be there, camera and microphone in hand, and with luck we’ll be able to bring you a flavour of the event.

The atmosphere that comes from being in the company of several thousand like minds is stimulating enough, but what makes these outdoor events special is that the villages become so much more than simply a group of geeks at a table with their laptops. Where else can one find a tea room run by a hackerspace except courtesy of MK Makerspace, or a fully functional pop-up motor racing circuit from Hacky Racers?

This year’s event badge is an interesting one, the ESP32-S3 powered and hexagon-shaped Tildagon. It’s a bold attempt to redefine the event badge away from a one-off trinket into one that lasts across multiple events, with custom “Hexpansions” like the petals on a flower, intended to have new ones appear on an event by event basis.

If you’re going to be at EMF then maybe we can join you for a pint, otherwise we’ll be bringing you the best that we find there. To whet your appetite, here’s something of the last one.

The Electromagnetic Field 2024 Badge Is A Little Different

It’s a problem that faces every designer of an event badge: how to make something that won’t simply become a piece of e-waste once the last attendee has gone home. Various events have had badges with extra sensors, ones designed to be dev boards, and ones that try to do useful software tasks, but this year’s Electromagnetic Field in the UK has a different take. Its badge is designed to be used across multiple events, with the badge itself being a hub for event-specific add-ons.

To achieve this feat, the Tildagon badge is a hexagonal hub with an expansion port on every side. Each of these sports an edge connector, and the corresponding part of the add-on is simply part of the PCB. The ‘hexpansions’ as the add-ons are called, don’t even have to have electronics, at their simplest they can even be cut from a piece of card. The brain of the outfit is an ESP32-C3 sporting a round LCD. Of course, and it has the usual buttons and LEDs.

We applaud the sentiment behind making a badge live beyond the event, and we expect that this won’t be the only take on a reusable badge we’ll see over the coming events. We’re guessing those edge connectors will add to the BoM cost though, which is why this probably will be the first EMF badge for which there will be a modest charge. We look forward to seeing it for real, meanwhile, they also published some technical info alongside the announcement linked above.

POTS At A Hacker Camp

For those of us off the Atlantic coast of Europe it’s a frigid winter as our isles are lashed by continuous storms. Summer seems a very long time ago, and the fun of the EMF 2022 hacker camp is an extremely distant memory. But the EMF team have been slowly releasing videos from the talks at that camp, the latest of which comes from [Matthew Harrold]. He was the force behind the public POTS phone network at the camp, providing anyone within range of one of his endpoints with the chance to have a wired phone line in their tent.

We’d love to imagine a mesh of overhead wires converging on a Strowger mechanical exchange somewhere on the field, but in a more practical move he used an array of redundant Cisco VOIP gear, and a multi-modem rack to provide dial-up services. Even then there were a few hurdles to overcome, but on the field it was definitely worth it as an array of unusual phone kit was brought along by the attendees. Our favourite is the Amstrad eMailer, an all-in-one phone and internet appliance from a couple of decades ago which perhaps due to its expensive pay as you go model, failed commercially. The video is below the break.

It’s a good time for this talk to come out, because it’s reminded us that the next EMF camp is on this summer. Time to dust off an old phone to bring along. Meanwhile, we’ve seen [Matthew] before, as he refurbished a sluggish dial mechanism.

Continue reading “POTS At A Hacker Camp”

Hacker Camps Post-Pandemic, Electromagnetic Field 2022

After a four-year hiatus and a cancelled event, it was time earlier this month for British and European hackers to return to their field in Herefordshire. A special field, Eastnor Castle Deer Park, venue for the Electromagnetic Field 2022 hacker camp. I packed up an oversized rucksack and my folding bike, and set off to enjoy a few days in the company of my fellow geeks.

As the first of the large European hacker camps since 2019 there was both an excitement and a slight trepidation in finally hanging out with several thousand people, even if mostly outdoors. The UK has a good COVID vaccine uptake and the camp organisers requested that attendees test themselves before travelling to Eastnor, but after two years of precautions and the pandemic still being with us there’s still some risk to take into account. Happily they were able to strike a decent balance between precautions and event progress, and we were able to proceed with a fairly normal hacker camp.

Plenty Of Talks, But They’re Not Online Yet

Sadly the extensive programme of talks has yet to make it onto YouTube or media.ccc.de at the time of writing, so the section I’d normally devote to them may have to wait for another time. Thus this write-up is more about the social aspect than the action.

Eastnor Castle Deer Park lies in a secluded Herefordshire valley, and the entry is vla a small estate road that treats you to an unfolding vista as you approach, of the marquees and other structures nestled among the trees. The usual queue for a wristband and you’re in, with the minor inconvenience of a trek trough the site to wherever your village lies. This year I was with my hackerspace in the Milton Keynes Makerspace village, next to one of the estate roads at the side of the valley and clustered round a tent with the commendable purpose of distributing free cups of very high quality tea. My tent up, I was ready to tour the site, and renew some friendships after so long apart. Continue reading “Hacker Camps Post-Pandemic, Electromagnetic Field 2022”

Electromagnetic Field 2020 Cancelled

It’s the news we were all expecting but not looking forward to hearing: this summer’s EMF Camp which was to be held at the end of July in Herefordshire, UK, has been cancelled. This is of course due to the ongoing public health measures surrounding the COVID-19 virus pandemic. With the country on lockdown for the forseeable future, this is a responsible decision for a gathering the size of EMF which hosted around 2,500 attendees in 2018.

Existing ticket holders will be refunded, and will be guaranteed a ticket to the next event in 2022. According to the announcement, EMF is in the red to the tune of at least £25,000 ($29,523) because of non-refundable payments associated with booking the event, something to remember in two years time when faced with the choice of a normal ticket or a supporters ticket.

Work on starting conference badge production has been halted, but development continues apace and will not go to waste as it will form the basis of the 2022 item. This will make them the event badge team with the earliest preparation ever, and from what we saw when we had a brief look at an early prototype last year it should be a badge worth waiting for.

We’re sure all readers will understand the gravity of the situation, and that the EMF team have taken an appropriate response to what is an extraordinary series of events. Organising a hacker camp is a tough job at the best of times, and this must have been particularly hard on them. We thank them for their work on our behalf at previous events and in preparing for this aborted one, and we look forward to the next EMF Camp in 2022.

Faux Aircon Units, Made Entirely From 2D Cuts

2D design and part fabrication doesn’t limit one to a 2D finished product, and that’s well-demonstrated in these Faux Aircon Units [Martin Raynsford] created to help flesh out the cyberpunk-themed Null Sector at the recent 2018 Electromagnetic Field hacker camp in the UK. Null Sector is composed primarily of shipping containers and creative lighting and props, and these fake air conditioner units helped add to the utilitarian ambiance while also having the pleasant side effect of covering up the occasional shipping container logo. Adding to the effect was that the fan blades can spin freely in stray air currents; that plus a convincing rust effect made them a success.

Fan hubs, showing spots for fan blades to be glued. With the exception of embedded bearings, the entire hub (like the rest of the unit) is made from laser-cut MDF.

The units are made almost entirely from laser-cut MDF. The fan blades are cut from the waste pieces left over from the tri-pronged holes, and really showing off the “making 3D assemblies out of 2D materials” aspect are the fan hubs which are (with the exception of bearings) made from laser-cut pieces; a close-up of the hubs is shown here.

Capping off the project is some paint and the rusted appearance. How did [Martin] get such a convincing rust effect? By using real rust, as it turns out. Some cyanoacrylate glue force-cured with misted water for texture, followed by iron powder, then vinegar and hydrogen peroxide with a dash of salt provided the convincing effect. He was kind enough to document the fake rust process on his blog, complete with photos of each stage.

Null Sector showcased a range of creativity; it’s where this unusual headdress was spotted, a device that also showed off the benefits of careful assembly and design.