Mini MAME Cabinet

[luis] added to the collection of MAME projects we’ve covered with his mini MAME cabinet build. This is his 5th mini cabinet and features a 5″ PlayStation LCD screen, a joystick, four control buttons, player 1 and 2 start buttons, speakers, and a lighted marquee. The controls are interfaced through an I-PAC and the system running the whole thing is a mini-ITX board with an Atom processor and two gigs of RAM. The build log is in Spanish and takes us all the way from a cardboard prototype to the finished particle board cabinet full of high quality artwork.

Gameplay starts about 5:30 into the video.

10 thoughts on “Mini MAME Cabinet

  1. @ strider

    I normally just read and don’t comment but since your thoughts are always insightfull I feel I should respond to your request.

    Look at using a PS3 controller. They are bluetooth and, imho, quite comfortable. Not the cheapest though, but that’s a personal call.

    The drivers are an open source project I think, or at least free. For windows Hackaday featured it here:

    Good luck with it :)

  2. Es todo un placer ver articulos tambien en castellano!!!
    Seguro que no soy el unico seguidor hispanohablante, de todos modos llevo años siguiendo la web en Ingles, Felicidades por el 5 Aniversario.
    Una pena que la gente de por aqui no se anime a publicar mas cosas.
    Saludos y a seguir muchos años mas.

  3. Amazing project. Anyone know what software he uses for his main interface? For lack of a better term, it’s beautiful. I’m building a mame cabinet and it’s exactly what I’m looking for.

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