The 2016 Hackaday SuperConference is the ultimate hardware con. It will take place on November 5+6, 2016 in Pasadena, California. SuperCon is about hardware creation — everything at this conference is geared toward sharing the knowledge, excitement, experience, and motivations that go into building cutting edge electronics.
We offer you 48 hours packed with 21 talks, 5 workshops, lightning talks, 4 meals, the Hackaday Prize party, a hardware badge hacking competition, a crypto challenge, and a most excellent village of hackers to enjoy it with. For one weekend Pasadena will be the hardware center of the universe. Get your ticket to the Hackaday SuperConference now.
Want to know more? The full list of talks, works, and details about everything else is found below. We do anticipate adding to this massive list of talks and workshops as we receive final confirmation from the presenters not yet listed.
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