Social media microblogging has brought us many annoying things, but some of the good things that have come to us through its seductive scrolling are those ad-hoc interest based communities which congregate around a hashtag. There’s one which has entranced me over the past few years which I’d like to share with you; the Shitty Camera Challenge. The premise is simple: take photographs with a shitty camera, and share them online. The promise meanwhile is to free photography from kit acquisition, and instead celebrate the cheap, the awful, the weird, and the wonderful in persuading these photographic nonentities to deliver beautiful pictures.
Where’s The Hack In Taking A Photo?
Of course, we can already hear you asking where the hack is in taking a photo. And you’d be right, because any fool can buy a disposable camera and press the shutter a few times. But from a hardware hacker perspective this exposes the true art of camera hacking, because not all shitty cameras can produce pictures without some work.
The #ShittyCameraChallenge has a list of cameras likely to be considered shitty enough, they include disposables, focus free cameras, instant cameras, and the cheap plastic cameras such as Lomo or Holga. But also on the list are models which use dead film formats, and less capable digital cameras. It’s a very subjective definition, and thus in our field everything from a Game Boy camera or a Raspberry Pi camera module to a home-made medium format camera could be considered shitty. Ans since even the ready-made shitty cameras are usually cheap and unloved second-hand, there’s a whole field of camera repair and hacking that opens up. Finally, here’s a photography competition that’s fairly and squarely on the bench of Hackaday readers.
A Whole World Of Shitty Awesomeness Awaits!
Having whetted your appetite, it’s time to think about the different routes into camera hacking. Perhaps the simplest is to take a camera designed for an obsolete film format, and make a cartridge or spool that takes a commonly available film instead. Perhaps resurrecting an entire home movie standard is a little massochistic, but Thingiverse is full of 3D-printable adapters for more everyday film. Or you could make your own, as I did for my 1960s Agfa Rapid snapshot camera.
If hacking film cartridges seems a little low-tech, a camera whether film or digital is a simple enough device mechanically that making your own is not out of the question. At its simplest a pinhole camera can be made from trash, but we think if you’re handy with a CAD package and a 3D printer you should be able to do something better. Don’t be afraid to combine self-made parts with those from manufactured cameras; when every second hand store has a pile of near-worthless old cameras for relative pennies it makes sense to borrow lenses or other parts from this boanaza. And finally, you don’t need to be a film lover to join the fun, if a Raspberry Pi or an ESP cam module floats your boat, you can have a go at the software side too. As a hint, take a look on AliExpress for a much wider range of camera modules and lenses than the ones supplied with either of these boards.

If I’m exhorting readers to have a go with a shitty camera then, perhaps I should lead by example. Past entries of mine have come from that Agfa Rapid cartridge I mentioned, but for their current outing I’ve gone for a mixture of new and old. The new isn’t a hack, I just like those toy cameras with the thermal printers, but the old one has been quite a project. Older consumer grade Polaroid pack film instant cameras are particularly unloved, so I’ve 3D-printed a new back for mine that takes a 120 roll film. It’s an ungainly camera to take to the streets with, but now I’ve finished all that 3D printing I hope I’ll get those elusive dreamy black and white landscapes on my poll of FomaPan 100.
If you want to try the #ShittyCameraChallenge, hack together a shitty camera and get shooting. Its current iteration lasts until the 1st of February, so you should have some time left to post your best results on Mastodon. Good luck!
“Expect butt naked hackers”
Yeah hard pass, keep that inside your polycule
Or just… don’t go to the place indicated by the sign if you can’t handle visiting said place. Isn’t that what it’s there for?
Hack yourself some pants!
Male or female but naked hackers? that’s a big question.
Ah yes, the three genders: male, female, and naked hacker. (The third does not seem to be well-accepted.)
Context: It’s a Danish hacker camp. They have an outdoor wood fired hot tub. Calm your overactive imaginations, it’s nothing special for Scandinavians.
“They have an outdoor wood fired hot tub”
Why does the first image that comes to mind is something like this?
I just saw that CVS video camera around here last week…
congrats. Looks like we are now got the “shitty” word out there. sigh
It’s been renamed to the Supercon Camera Challenge
I thought this one was interesting:
Eastern European, Soviet (some of which were quite good) and under 10 Megapixel digital dslr cameras are now shitty!? Wow, we are spoiled.
Minox… Praktika… Pentax… since when have those been “shitty”?
The ultimate “shitty camera” has to be the Box Brownie: simple lens, primitive shutter, no diaphragm: but still used to good effect by people like Bert Hardy and in many situations where nothing better was available
Being honest, I just picked up all the cameras I had to hand. Including the Minox and the Praktika. That Praktika is definitely shitty, it has cloudy optics in its pentaprism and its shutter is seized. Also look again at that Pentax, it’s not exactly the peak of their 1980s range.
Hmmmm, while I would love to digitize my Minox B, I think I would find it hard to cut up a working example.
Of the cameras there, I use the Minox, the Paxette, and one of the Agfa Rapids.
As ever, it’s not the gear it’s the operator – a good photographer can take a good photo with a bad camera.
The people that turn every hobby into a gear collecting dick-measuring contest are the problem.
I had a boss with a ridiculously expensive camera set-up and challenged him to a photo-off using my 35mm, fixed-focus, 3 f-stop settings camera that came free with a magazine. I had to wade through some prickly plants to get a shot (no telephoto), but all the judges (workmates) picked my photo over his.
And I’m not really a good photographer, just a less bad one who didn’t rely on the tech to save me.
Spelling mistake: “on my poll of FomaPan 100”
Also, “masochistic” only inherited one S from Sacher-Masoch’s name
Quit being so pesssimissstic!