Jeff Dunham Finds A NOS 1958 Philco Predicta

Jeff Dunham next to a Philco Predicta TV

When you see a ventriloquist like [Jeff Dunham], you probably expect to see him with a puppet. This time – spoilers ahead – you won’t. Besides his fame on stage, [Dunham] is also a collector of vintage tech and a die-hard television enthusiast. In the video below, [Dunham] has gotten his hands on a rarity: an unboxed 1958 Philco Predicta TV. The original tape was still on the box. We get to follow along on his adventure to restore this sleek, retro-futuristic relic!

[Dunham]’s fascination with the Predicta stems from its historical significance and bold design. At a time when television was making its way into American homes, the Predicta dared to be different with its swivel-mounted picture tube and early printed circuit boards. Despite its brave aesthetics, the Predicta’s ambition led to notorious reliability issues. Yet, finding one in pristine condition, sealed and untouched for over six decades, is like unearthing a technological time capsule.

What makes this story unique is [Dunham]’s connection to both broadcasting and his craft. As a ventriloquist inspired by Edgar Bergen — whose radio shows captivated America — [Dunham] delights in restoring a TV from the same brand that first brought his idol’s voice to airwaves. His love for storytelling seamlessly translates into this restoration adventure.

After unboxing, [Dunham’s] team faces several challenges: navigating fragile components, securing the original shipping brace, and cautiously ramping up voltage to breathe life into the Predicta. The suspense peaks in the satisfying crackle of static, and the flicker of a 65-year-old screen finally awakened from slumber.

Have you ever come across an opportunity like this? Tell us about your favorite new old stock find in the comments. Buying these can be a risk, since components have a shelf life. We appreciate when these old TVs play period-appropriate shows. Who wants to watch Game of Thrones on a Predicta?

14 thoughts on “Jeff Dunham Finds A NOS 1958 Philco Predicta

  1. That’s a beautiful piece of kit but surely you mean “un-unboxed”? Every piece of anything I’ve ever acquired was sooner or later unboxed. It jus’s ain’ special ‘n’ stuff.

  2. Philco Predicta $260 in 1958 or $2,840 in today’s dollars.
    But… average wage in 1958 for a male was $4,888 so this is over 1/2 year’s wage!
    Who can afford to leave this in the box? Wow.
    1958 male tech earned $6,730/year.

    Called a “revolutionary design” pg. 78, Radio-Electronics Dec. 1958

    Challenge was piping video through the long cable to the semi-flat CRT.

    1. Wait a second, you say the Predicta was $260 in 58 or $2,840 today, and the average wage was $4,888 but at which date? Was that $4,888 in 1958 dollars or $4,888 in 2025 dollars? I don’t think the average American was making around $500 dollars a year.

      1. The wages back in the 1950s versus the prices would have been easy as hell to live a very comfortable life. $260 back then would be believable for that design as it would have required very expensive manufacturing.

  3. It was better in the ago time. U.S. minimum wage should long time been indexed to the CPI. My thinking is by always rising from year to year (still trailing CPI) it would implicitly and necessarily put upward pressure on non-minimum wages. The tipped economy is a separate issue the not one difficult of solution.

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